(32): crumbles

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A hand traces your bare hip as you slowly wake up. Your eyes fluttering open to meet two brown orbs staring lovingly at you. Hinata looks so sleepy but still very content. A small smile appears against his lips as he whispers a small good morning.
You can't help but lean up to peck his lips.
After last night you feel closer than ever to Hinata. He feels closer than ever to you. It's obvious now how inseparable the two of you already are as you try to sit up only to be pulled back down by two strong hands.
"Shouyou!" You squeak.
"Love me!" Hinata whines, pouting softly at you. With a small giggle you peck his lips a few more times.
"I need to brush my teeth if I'm going to kiss you anymore."
"Mmm I agree. You stink!"
"Shut up." Your pillow collides with his face earning two loud laughs from both of you.
It doesn't take long for the two of you to get ready. Hand in hand as you walk to school. It's as if everything is in place once again. You're able to fall asleep and wake up next to the boy you're in love with. Able to hold his hand and express your love openly. It's like there's no more worry. No more pain.
This past month feels like a complete mistake. Being separated did make the two of you closer but you want to bang your head into wall over the reason the two of you took a break in the first place.
Stupid boys.
With a quick kiss goodbye Hinata makes his way to class. Pumping his hands into the air at Kageyama who is groaning loudly, "Guess who's all good!"
"Shut up. You're going to make us late!" Kageyama snips playfully. Sending you a tiny wave as the two of them walk away.
You shyly wave back at Kageyama before walking to your class.
The day goes by slowly. You swear you're never going to leave by the time lunch rolls around. Instead of meeting up with everyone in the cafeteria though you head to the volleyball gym.
Peaking your head in, you spot Hinata practicing in the corner.
He said he wouldn't be at lunch because he needed to practice. Telling you not to wait for him.
"Shouyou-!" You playfully whine as you walk into the gym. The breeze from outside blows through your hair making you groan, trying to fix your hair quickly as Hinata runs over to you. Jumping a little as he speaks about his morning.
A huge smile plasters across both of your faces.
This is where you're meant to be. Listening to his crazy stories as he bounces around excited to tell you. Your heart seems to swell as he speaks.
"-anyways how was your morning? Why are you looking at me like that? Are you sick?" The back of Hinata's hand flies to your forehead.
"No," You giggle. Leaning up to kiss his cheek, "I'm just happy." His hand falls and you intertwine your fingers with his. Smiling softly up at the now blushy boy.
"Hmph," He tilts his head to side as if saying he's happy with your answer, "Perfect!"


Later that day you're joking around with Yamaguchi in writing club. Not exactly paying attention to whoever is sharing their work in the front of the club room.
You hug your body slightly as a breeze flows through the window above you. Squeezing your thighs tightly, a small shiver running through your body. Yamaguchi quickly hands you his volleyball jacket. Blushing slightly in embarrassment as the fabric clings to your body.
"Sorry it's so big!" He squeaks, covering his face with his hands. Peaking between his fingers.
"Don't worry." You giggle slightly before cuddling into the jacket.
"I'm trying to get a smaller one but Hinata took the one that would've fit me! I guess it doesn't even matter anyways since that third year girl stole it from him anyways..." Yamaguchi trails off. Thinking out loud.
You narrow your eyes. Feeling a hot pit in your stomach. "Who?"
Yamaguchi sighs, throwing his head back as if he's thinking, "This third year from the yearbook has been coming to take pictures for our spot in the yearbook. Interviewing us and all that. Apparently because we're doing so good this year we're going to get a big spot in the yearbook."
"Super." You try to sound excited for him but wait for Yamaguchi to continue.
"She's super cute though. She's been at our practices for the last few weeks. All she does is flirt with Hinata...I wish she would look at me. But they did go get ice cream last week I believe. She wears his volleyball jacket everyday."
That's all you needed to hear to throw all your belongings into your backpack and storm out of the club room. Yamaguchi has skipped the beginning of volleyball practice to go to writing club which means Hinata is practicing right now. Possibly, that girl will be there too.
Anger is burning through your whole body.
I let him sleep with me! I kicked Tendo's bitchass out for this orange headed umpalumpa! I swear when I get my hands on him...., you open the gym doors to find the boys practicing. Your eyes scan over each and every one of the boys. They stare at you. Kageyama's eyes widen at your angered state. It must be very obvious how mad you look because all the boys look afraid. Even Ukai.
Kageyama was the only person to know Hinata and you are back together. Hinata hadn't told anyone yet. And that's blatantly obvious by how confused everyone looks.
They know you've been talking.
But not that you're back together.
At the other end of the gym Hinata stands in front of a girl. She's radiating beauty. Her long dark hair flows down her back. Grey eyes blinking curiously at you. She's not wearing Hinata's jacket, you raise an eyebrow as you walk over to Hinata's bag. Not even attempting to speak to him. You're too angry. You'll cause a scene.
You open it up and see no jacket.
That's all you need to know. You quietly zip it back up, taking a shaky breath.
Yamaguchi has ran into the gym now. Breathing heavy.
"(Y/N)?! God, you're too fast! What are you...oh no I shouldn't have told you that should I?"
"No. Thank you for telling me. It allows me to take out the trash." You hiss slightly. Glaring over at Hinata.
Of course the minute things all seem okay. Of course the second things seem to be going your way. It all crumbles.

Shouyou Hinata x Reader: AttractionsWhere stories live. Discover now