(1): Arcade

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I was out playing DDR today at my local arcade & had this idea so :) enjoy


You walk around your loud local arcade. The bright LED lights illuminating around you. It would be rather dim in the large building without all the lights from the games.
You had come with a friend, Mika, who currently had her nose in her phone. She's been highly attached to this guy she's talking to and often pays zero attention to her surroundings when her phone buzzes due to a notification from him.
Which seemed to be every five seconds...
"(Y/N)? Why don't you go play that pew pew game over there?" Your friend points to a game. The Walking Dead.
"It's no fun to play by myself." You state, giving her a pointed look. Glancing between her and her phone.
"Okay okay...just, five more minutes and I promise I'll play a game with you!" Mika beams. You only nod.
Young love.
Or young stupidity.
Eh same thing, you think to yourself as you walk over to a knock off Mortal Kombat game. This was one of your favorites. For some reason being able to beat the ever living crap out of virtual people really demolished your stress levels.
Sitting down, you put coins into the game and look through the characters. Landing on a ninja girl with throwing stars. You start the game. Your opponent is a computer generated buff man. The character looks like one of those professional muscle men that wear tiny shiny undies on stage while flexing their abnormally tan bodies.
Quickly you glance over the special move controls before the first round starts.
"Beat his ass!" Mika squeaks from your left. You laugh slightly, pushing quickly on the buttons as you kick the muscle man in the face several times.
Kick. Punch. Spin attack. Punch.
Losing track of time as you get completely sucked into the focus of the game. You're so focused you fail to notice the high school boys who stand behind you, peeking over your shoulder to watch you intensely beat up muscle man.
Kick. Kick. Jab. Jab. Ninja star.
Once muscle man is K.O.'d you laugh a little to yourself, "Take that, you muscly freak."
"Well what did he ever do to you?" A males voice chuckles from behind you.
Your head snaps to your right, landing on the group of boys. A small blush creeping over your cheeks. How long have they been there?
"Relax." The tall blonde boy with glasses rolls his eyes, "I was only joking..." For some reason you couldn't believe that. He was too bold with his smartass remarks for you to believe it was just a joke. Your eyes fall to the three other boys with him. They all were wearing tracksuits which you found odd for an arcade. They must be some sort of team, you shrug. One had black hair, blue eyes and was very tall. Another had messy brown hair, his face covered in freckles.
One gets your attention more than the others though. A short red head with a goofy look on his face. He was jumping around the tall black haired boy, trying to convince him of something. His eager eyes danced around the black haired boys face. Small incoherent whines seemed to drop from his lips but the boy just stared annoyingly down at his small figure.
"God will you shut up already." The blonde groans before walking off with the freckled boy.
You giggle to yourself, completely forgetting the second round is about to start. Your focus souly on the red head.
He's very cute. His hair looks so fluffy, you think.
"(Y/N)-The game!" Mika violently shakes your shoulder drawing your attention away from your slight daydream.
You turn back around to finish up the game. To your surprise the two boys never leave. They linger around, watching. The red head finds a seat about three feet to your left to watch. A smile plastered across his face the whole time. You can't help but start to overthink his gaze while also trying to focus on the ass beating.
You're blushing.
Why are you blushing?
Male attention was rare to you. You spent most of your time on school work, clubs and hanging out with friends in the arcade.
Once the game finishes up your friend says she wanted a turn so you get up to let her play. Your eyes falling on the red head.
"Hi!" He jumps up. His immense amount of energy seemed to hit you like a truck, "What's your name? I'm Shouyou Hinata, Karasuno first year, class one."
"Oh um-(Y/N) (Y/L/N). Karasuno second year, class three."
"You must know Nishinoya then!" The pitch in his voice raises. Hinata has jumped up from his seat. It's now that you realize he's a few inches taller than you making you feel like a midget compared to him.
"Ah yes Nishinoya-san, he's in my class of course."
"Tell him about your little crush (Y/N)." Mika teases behind you. You reach back and slap the top of her head, embarrassment all over your face but she doesn't stop there, "OW! It's not my fault you're into short guys, you whore."
You hide your face in your hands.
Hinata blushes slightly. Scratching the back of his head as he glances at Kageyama who shrugs.
"Don't worry I won't tell him or anything..." Hinata trails off. He won't lie to himself and say he's not disappointed you're not interested in him. The whole reason they stopped to watch you is because you peaked his interest at first glance. You looked so carefree and confident. He couldn't keep his eyes off you from across the room so Hinata forced Kageyama to come with him to watch you play so he wouldn't seem like a total creep.
"Don't worry it's just a small attraction, I have no serious feelings for him." You mumble into your hands. You refuse to look up. You've accepted your fate to die of embarrassment right then and there.
"Ah-ah, good." Hinata smiles big, sending Kageyama a thumbs up.
"Yes good (Y/N), that way we can get to know one another better." Hinata's sudden confidence surprises even Kageyama who awkwardly is trying to scoot farther and farther back to where the rest of the team is.
"Awe look! Another shortie likes you (Y/N)!" Mika giggles. She's already died in the game but you were ready to sucker punch her into the grave.
"Mika-..." "Kageyama, Hinata! Let's go!" A voice yells from another boy across the arcade. He's very tall. His long brown hair is up.
He looked familiar but you don't question it since these boys all go to your school.
"See you (Y/N)!" A huge smile is plastered across his face as he runs over to the boy. Waving at you.
Oh jeez.

Shouyou Hinata x Reader: AttractionsWhere stories live. Discover now