(27): crawling back?

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It's been a week since Hinata made you eat. That means it's been a week since you've spoken. A week since you've looked into his eyes. A week since you've felt his presence. A week since you smelt his cologne. A week since he was here.
You've gotten used to it. No longer having a constant pit in your stomach. Tendo has basically been living at your house again but he returns home a few nights just to see his mom. She's part of what got him through his childhood, along with you, without the two of you he's be completely lost. This is why you think he came back to you. You're part of what made Tendo, Tendo. He owes you at least friendship.
Recently it's been more though. Nothing romantic, but nothing normal friends do. He hasn't slept in his room the last few times he's slept over because he demands to stay by your side just in case you have some sort of emotional emergency. Everyday you get encouraging texts from him but some can seem contradicting sometimes.
Like the one you're staring at right now.

Remember you are amazing! Never forget! And if someone says otherwise, I'll hurt them.

Your eyes narrow at the screen. A small smile strung across your lips.
Mika and Jewel are eyeing you suspiciously. Mika snatches your phone and reads over the message.
"How sweet?...I mean the thoughts sweet!" She gushes, "God, (Y/N), you have so many guys gushing over you!"
"Yes you do! Kuroo, Hinata, Nishinoya and Tendo! That's four boys within the last month who have shown interest in you! Our little girl is growing up!" Mika cries.
"I only want one of them." Your eyes glance over to the volleyball table. Hinata is laughing, bouncing around Kageyama just like the first time you had met them. Circling the poor boy. Hinata is most likely trying to prove a point to Kageyama as Kageyama ignores his annoying pursuit.
"Well he dumped you! Time to show him you don't need him." Mika claps.
"It's only been a week...I don't know..."
"Girl! You have boys lining up! You have one living at your house! Get some dick and shut up." Jewel chimes in excitedly.
You sigh, "Okay, I guess that's not the worst idea."
That's it's. It's time to start moving on.
He hasn't payed you any mind this last week which shows he didn't just want a break. He wanted an end. So that's what he's going to get.

The next month you spend time bettering your emotional self before pursuing anyone seriously. Hinata hasn't reached out at all. He's made eye contact with you at lunch a few times but overall there has been no contact. It broke your heart. But, because of your own unhealthy traits you decided to be bold. Tendo and you have somewhat slipped back into old habits. Just making out so far but nothing more. You don't know if you can let yourself because even now all you want is Hinata. That's not fair to Tendo.
"(Y/N)!" Tendo groans through the phone.
You hold it up to your ear as you walk away from writing club. It's so late, the schools a ghost town. You had stayed extra late to study because you know as soon as you get home Tendo will be all over you wanting attention.
"Tendo, I needed to study. I can cuddle you later." You groan, "Plus, why should I even cuddle you? Huh? You left this damn bruise on my neck making me look like a whore."
"Mmmm my whore!"
"I'm not yours. And, I'm not a whore." You groan again, your eyes falling on the volleyball gym as you walk past. Your mind racing with questions and thoughts of Hinata. You want so badly to just see him. To speak to him. You want to know how he's doing.
"Whatever. Get home. I'm making dinner."
"Maybe later, I wanted to go to the arcade."
"Shut up." You're getting too accustomed to groaning at him, "I'll text you when I'm on the way home."
With that you hang up the phone. You find yourself stalled outside of the gym. Your feet unable to move.
Letting a breath out, you begin to walk towards it. Unable to think. As you walk up the steps you get a flash of deja vu of all the times you entered the gym these past months. You wish you could go back to those days and smack yourself silly for not appreciating the boy you were with.
All eyes fall on you as you enter. You can feel Hinata's panic from all the way across the gym from him. His heart is beating rapidly.
Why is she in here? She looks so beautiful...No! I can't think those things...Not until I've fixed my jealousy problems and can confidently be with her again. No speaking to her until you're healed!.., Hinata says to himself. Unknown to you, Hinata has been working on his jealousy problems. He knew he shouldn't have gotten so jealous all those times. It was unhealthy. He wants to fix it before he decides to get back with you. That's the only reason he hasn't been speaking with you, but that's supposed to change soon. He almost feels ready.
"Uh, sorry!" You smile at the boys who stare at you confused, "Um...Tsukishima? I need to speak to you." You lie.
The blonde only nods, walking over to you and pulls you to a corner so you can speak to him in private. He feels Hinata's eyes drilling into his back as you speak.
"That was a lie. I don't even know why I'm in here it's like my feet just brought me." You nervously play with your fingers. Looking down at your feet.
"What do you think she wants?" Tanaka scoots over to Hinata and Kageyama to gossip.
"Tsuki and her are close. It's probably nothing serious." Kageyama shrugs it off. His eyes zeroing in on Hinata who is staring at you. Mouth wide open. Eyes big.
The three of them watch Tsuki and you talk for a solid five minutes. Tanaka tries to figure out what you're saying every few seconds, asking a million questions that Kageyama shuts down as soon as they fall from Tanaka's lips. Hinata is too in shock to move. You're right here. In his own space. And all he can think about is how he wishes you had said his name instead of Tsukishima's. A part of him wants to be the person you talked to.
"(Y/N)!" Noya suddenly screams causing everyone to stall, "What the fuck is that?!"
"W-what?" You stutter as the short boy storms up to you. Moving your hair to the side before starting to lecture you on 'hickey etiquette.'
Hinata's heart sinks.
You've found someone else...
No wonder you weren't here to see him.
And he was just feeling ready to come crawling back...

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