(2): The Walking Dead

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It's been a two days since you met Hinata at the arcade.
Two days of you spending every second you're not busy with something overthinking the interaction. Day dreaming about what could be in an alternate reality.
You know what this is like. You did this a lot with Nishinoya when he used to flirt with you. Of course that was before he started studying harder to get his grades up to stay on the volleyball team. He still speaks to his friends and flirts with you here and there but you gave up hope awhile ago.
"So do you want to go to the arcade after school?" Your friend Jewel asks. Unlike Mika Jewel is very into video games. The three of you have been going to the arcade inside the mall for years now after school. Saving up money from lunches sometimes even. Mika just likes the mall overall but she'll play games if she's interested.
You lean over in your seat, eyeing the teacher who is giving a lecture. "Sure but I need to stop by the club room to grab my poem notebook. I left it there on accident." You whisper. As you lean back into your seat you glance over at Noya who is giving you a playful look as if to say, 'What are you doing?'
You smile softly at him before focusing back on the lecture.
After class was dismissed you quickly pack all your stuff. Mika and Jewel agreed they'd go to the mall early to grab something to drink while they wait for you. This gives you enough time to go grab your notebook then quickly walk down the street to the arcade.
You pop an earbud in. Walking out of the room and down the hall. You bop your head to the music. Once your alone in a hallway across school you do a little dance.
Walking into the club room. Grab the notebook and stuff it in your bag.
And then you're off.
But before you can even make it down the hallway you run into Noya. His eyes fixate on you which makes you blink at him a few times to try to figure out if you're seeing this correctly.
"(Y/N)! I thought I saw you walk down this way." He smiles.
You wave a little, walking up to him. Of course he's with Tanaka who is impatiently looking over to the gym door. They must have practice.
You look over their uniforms and it hits you.
You feel like such a dumbass.
They're wearing the uniforms the boys in the arcade were wearing.
That's how Hinata knew Noya then.
"Are you stalking me now?" You tease him.
"Oh of course I am." Nishinoya sarcastically rolls his eyes.
You smile up at him. His gaze transfers from you to Tanaka who has run off to the gym before falling back on you.
"You heading to the arcade again?"
"You know it." You fiddle with your fingers out of anxiousness. It's been awhile since Nishinoya has tried to have a conversation with you. How convenient that it's right after you meet Hinata.
"Maybe I'll come by after practice? We could get dinner?"
"Um I mean-.." "(Y/N)!" Hinata's voice rings through your ears as you snap your head towards the gym door. He is running over with a huge smile on his face, waving rapidly.
There's that bulging energy.
Nishinoya looks between the two of you a little confused. What is this?, he thinks.
"What are you two talking about?" Hinata asks.
"Oh nothing import-.." "I just asked (Y/N) to wait to get dinner with me after practice that's all. I'll even pay for a few rounds of The Walking Dead~" Nishinoya nudges your shoulder.
Hinata narrows his eyes slightly at you as if asking you what your answer is.
You can feel a blush coming on.
"Um well..."
"Did I hear The Walking Dead?!" Tanaka excitedly peaks his head out from behind the gym door, "I'm in!"
"No no this is more-.." "I am too!" Hinata chips in. Smiling to himself.
He can't lose to Nishinoya so soon.


You sit hunched over a food court table. Nintendo Switch in hand. You're playing Super Smash Bros to kill time. Mika and Jewel left about twenty minutes ago to go study. If your parents were more strict you probably would've gone with them but you seemed to have inattentive parents when it came to grades. As long as you're not failing they could really care less.
Someone calling your name brings your focus away from the game. It's Noya who reaches you first. Plopping down in the seat right next to you. Hinata and Tanaka sit across from you.
Quickly you notice Hinata eyeing you which makes you smile a little. He looks so flustered by Nishinoya's confidence towards you.
"I thought we were meeting in the arcade?" Hinata asks.
"Yeah but I text Nishinoya-san to tell him I was hungry and just to meet in the food court. Plus I figured you all would be hungry anyways."
Hinata tries not to show his slight jealousy at the fact that Noya has your contact information and seems to already know so much about you. But he tries to remind himself that you two just only met so it's his turn to get to know you, only he plans on trying to be more than just friends. He doesn't know what Nishinoya's plans towards you are yet but Hinata knows he can't lose if Nishinoya's plans are to be your boyfriend.
The four of you eat. It's hard not to notice the immense amount of food all three of the boys stuff down their throats.
I'd be so fat if I ate like them, you think, I want their metabolisms.
After eating the four of you head off to the arcade. You drink your boba silently, listening the three bicker over what was happening at practice. You know nothing about volleyball. All you understand is the ball goes over the net once you hit it with a body part or else you suck. Which you relate to because you suck. You can't seem to aim volleyballs at all. Gym back in middle school definitely taught you that.
"Do you want to play a game with me?" Hinata's voice is so gentle. It makes you shiver a little. He stopped bickering with the other two when he noticed you stuck in thought, walking behind them. You looked so beautiful to him. Your lips puckered slightly, your (H/C) locks a little messy from a long day. He wants to just tuck it behind your ear before pulling you into his embrace.
You weren't the only one who has been daydreaming in their free time. In fact Hinata got smacked right in the face with a ball during practice when Tanaka mentioned Nishinoya was late to practice because he was speaking to you outside. Your name made him distracted. You made him distracted. The only way to really fix it is to get closer to you. To be able to actually experience his day dreams.
"Sure." You smile super big at Hinata.

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