(29): ???

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After you had met Hinata in the park on Saturday you spent the whole weekend daydreaming about old times again. Wondering how things will play out now. Hinata text you here and there but not that much. It was still something though. You didn't know where this was going to go. You didn't know if Hinata truly wanted you back or not, but because of what happened you haven't kissed Tendo all weekend.
He's gotten pretty needy.
"(Y/N)..." He whines, "Idiot~"
You glance over at Tendo as you walk. Smiling softly up at him. His hair is sticking every which way. He looks like he just rolled out of bed.
"You've been so distant-! I'm picking you up after school for a date, okay? I'm tired of this stupid distance shit."
"Tendo-.." "No arguing with me." His tone is sharp. You only nod, knowing if you argue he'll just get pissy about you not accepting his gesture. You've still yet to tell him about Saturday at the park. Still yet to inform him that you might go back to Hinata.
This is only because you're scared. Scared Hinata will decide he doesn't actually want you. Scared Hinata may just leave again. You realize this isn't fair but some part of you just can't let go just yet.
As you get to school you notice there's not many people here just yet but the ones that are stare Tendo down. It's not like he doesn't walk you to school everyday he's slept over but it still seems to surprise people that you're "with" a third year from an elite school. They all whisper as Tendo quickly steals a kiss when you turned to say goodbye, holding your chin in his hand as he tells you to have a good day.
"Now go kick ass. I want you in that shit. Learning all that boring information your teacher gives you so after school you can't help but be excited to go on a date with me!"
"Okay Tendo." You giggle slightly.
"Okay, goodbye little idiot~"
The rest of the day you spend with Jewel and Noya in class. Studying hard for upcoming exams. Your brain feels like it's going to melt by the time lunch comes around.
"I'm so tired of studying." Jewel stretches her arms in the air, yawning. Noya, Tanaka, Jewel and yourself all walk into the cafeteria together. As they discuss random things about their weekends you find yourself scanning the room for Hinata.
He finds you first.
Running over with a huge smile across his face.
"(Y/N)! Hi, how are you? I brought you lunch."
Your eyes go wide. Everyone else around you stops everything their doing. Staring between the two of you awkwardly.
"He does know their broken up right?" Tanaka whispers rather loudly.
"He knows he broke our sweet (Y/N)'s heart, right?" Noya whispers back.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING!!!" The two boys yell at Hinata in unison. Getting up in his face.
You only laugh a little. Jewel knows what's going on because you had told her everything right after it happened.
"Thank you, but did you bring any for yourself silly?" You peak your head over Tanaka's shoulder.
Hinata scratches the back of his neck, "Uh...okay maybe I just last minute decided to give you mine but you should still eat it!" He protests.
"No, go eat your lunch it's okay." You smile shyly at him. Tanaka and Noya are frantically glancing between the two of you before they turn to Jewel who is just looking down at her phone.
"Did you know about this?!" Noya yells.
Jewel shrugs, "I mean, yeah."
"And you didn't think to TELL us?" Tanaka groans, poking her on the forehead.
"No." Her voice is dull.
Hinata decides to join all of you for lunch. Ignoring the volleyball table. He doesn't get all lovey with you at lunch besides sharing his lunch with you. No matter how much you protests he would proceed to shove food in your face until you ate it. When you did, he'd giggle at you before ruffling your hair like a child which only made you smack his hand away. Everyone seemed so happy and content. That was until you got a text from Tendo.

I hope you're looking forward to this afternoon as much as I am~. Love you idiot, never forget that.

As your phone lights up on the table Hinata glances at it, reading the text over before you can grab it. His whole face seems to fall. Eyes focused on the food in his hand.
"Hinata..." You quickly say, going to place your hand on his shoulder but he jerks it away.
"Hinata please it's not..."
"Just don't." He growls slightly, getting up and walks out of the cafeteria to cool down. His head is running wild.
Of course you haven't broken things off with that giant crazy asshole. Of fucking course, he thinks.
You run after him, racing to keep up with him so you can explain yourself. It doesn't take long until you find yourself in the volleyball gym. He's sitting in the corner thinking, his head in his hands.
"Hinata..." You breath out.
"Why?" He knows you've been following him so he already knows there's no running away from this argument, "Why are you still with him?"
"I'm not with him. I've never been with him. Please believe me, you're the only one I've seen since I laid eyes on you in the arcade."
"You mean that arcade you barely go to now?"
You're taken aback.
"I know you don't go anymore because I went there several times on nights you used to. Now you're no where to be seen. You probably spend all your time with, Tendo? That's his name right?"
Hinata isn't wrong. You have been skipping your usual gaming time to give Tendo attention because he's so needy. You've gotten so caught up in replacing your own horrible feelings with Tendo that you've stopped doing one of the things you love most.
"Hinata, listen to me, I was just waiting for you to give me a sign you wanted me back. More than what was in the park. I didn't want to lose everything...and I know that's selfish. I just couldn't bare losing everything again. I refuse to go back to being THAT lonely again."
Hinata look at the ground as he speaks.

"(Y/N), you're so stupid You're all I've wanted since seeing you in that damn arcade too! Just stop fucking Tendo

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"(Y/N), you're so stupid You're all I've wanted since seeing you in that damn arcade too! Just stop fucking Tendo."
"I'm not fucking Tendo. I have held back on a lot of things because it wouldn't be fair because I'm still in love with you!" You feel anger burning up in your chest. It was selfish of you to keep Tendo around even if there was a small chance that Hinata wouldn't take you back. Especially since you don't know if you'll ever be able to love Tendo like you used to but Hinata making assumptions about what you do while the two of you are broken up is driving you mad.
He blinks up at you.
"You're so blind! God Hinata, I'll get rid of Tendo. I'll do anything. Just stop being angry all the damn time! You're the one that left me so you can't even be mad right now!"
"You love me?" He breaths out.
"You said you love me."
Your whole face goes red. You did say that. Oh god. Hinata stands up and wraps an arm around your waist to pull your body close to his. Cupping your cheek before slamming his lips against yours. Kissing you with all the passion in his body.
"I." Kiss. "Love." Kiss. "You." Hinata whispers in between each small kiss before you completely melt in his arms. Shutting him up from speaking by wrapping your arms around his neck to pull him even closer. Your hands finding his hair to play with as he holds your waist. Your lips dance with one another's. Heat rising in the air around you.
"I love you so much." Hinata whispers as he pulls away, "So so much (Y/N)."

Shouyou Hinata x Reader: AttractionsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu