Mrs Sherlock Holmes (1)

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He patted him stiffly on the shoulder. "See? Nothing to worry about."

Rufus trusted Jiya's visions, and, weirdly, trusted him.

"That's right," Rufus agreed, gaining confidence. "I ain't worried about a damn thing."


another smooth scene cut, aren't you impressed

"So what exactly are we looking for?" Rufus asked, bending down to examine a pair of blood-splattered trousers left on Senator Wadsworth's bed. He'd hate to be this guy if he was caught without his trousers on.

"Well, the sleeper agent killed Wadsworth and framed Alice Paul, so maybe he left a clue. So maybe we can find him. So I can kill him."

Rufus looked up. "You know, sometimes I think you're normal, but then you say something like that, and then I remember wait, no, he's freakin' nuts."

Flynn winked at him and Rufus couldn't help a snort.

"Hey! What are you two doing in here?"

They both whipped around at the shout, moment forgotten. Flynn straightened up at the sight of the uniformed officer standing in the doorway. Something told Rufus that the punishment for sneaking into a crime scene wouldn't be light.

"We're Pinkertons," Flynn lied easily.

"You two are dicks?"

Did this dude just call them dicks?

"That's right," Flynn said slowly, "we are detectives."

Rufus jumped on the bandwagon. "I'm John McClane. This is my partner, Hans Gruber."

Flynn stifled an ill-timed laugh with a cough. The officer regarded them suspiciously. "You two don't look like Pinkertons..."


"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Don't reach! Hands up!" Flynn quickly raised his hands into the air. Rufus wasn't even sure he had been reaching, but boy would it have been a lot more convenient if it was Flynn holding a gun right now rather than the officer.

"You too. Turn around. Turn around! Keep those hands up."

They revolved, glancing haughtily at eachother. "You know what, Flynn?"


"Take him down."

The officer pressed his gun into his back, but Rufus wasn't scared at all. In fact, he was confident. "Hey, you crazy, boy?"

"Look, I'm not dying here, man. Go ahead and do it."

"Rufus, stop talking."

"Take him down right now."

Flynn looked at him like he was insane. "Stop talking!"

"Flynn it up, Flynn! Flynn it up!"

"Stop talking!" Their yells overlapped, and the officer, growing ever more panicked, cocked his gun.

"Take him down!"

"Stop talking!"

There was a gunshot, and Rufus squeezed his eyes shut in preparation for pain, but none came. Slowly, he opened them, and looked at Flynn, who was just as clueless. Then they peered around. The officer was on the floor, blood leaking from his mouth, and there, standing in the doorway, was-

"Hey, look. A couple of dicks."

Well, well, well, if it wasn't Emma, the apple of his eye, the root of all his problems.

Timeless: Through Time - GarcyUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum