The Red Scare (1)

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I love it when we play 1950
It's so cold that your stare's 'bout to kill me
I'm surprised when you kiss me
So tell me why my gods look like you
And tell me why it's wrong

- King Princess, 1950

Even after every outlandish thing that had happened to her, including being imprisoned in a Nazi castle, held hostage by Nonhelema, and trapped in the Alamo, Lucy had to concede that being held in the White House on suspicion of being a communist spy was definitely up there with the weirdest of the weird.

She couldn't escape - she'd tried, of course, but there wasn't much she could do against the heavily armed guards waiting just outside. God, she hated the fifties. The Cold War was one giant pain in her ass right now.

Lucy's head jerked to the door as there was one, solitary knock on the wood and it swung open. One foot entered first, wearing patent leather shoes and light grey trousers, then the rest of Flynn, wearing a sharp suit and an immaculate hairstyle, followed. Of course he was behind this. Just like that, their one way to the Rittenhouse summit vanished before her eyes.

Flynn regarded her for a moment before lightly closing the door behind him.

"Don't worry, your Wyatt's fine."

"Not my Wyatt," she muttered, folding her arms in a show of defiance. He simply carried on like she hadn't said anything, though with a renewed spark in his eye.

"How's the knee?"

"Fine," it was as good as new, actually, but she wasn't about to tell him that. "What do you want?"

"I just thought you should know that when I destroy Rittenhouse tonight, when I blow them up, which I will, that also includes your grandfather, Ethan Cahill, which means... honestly, I'm not sure what's going to happen to you, but whatever it is, it's probably not good."

Her chest twinged with panic.
"Why are you telling me this?" He might as well just leave her to die.

"You deserve the truth." He didn't meet her eyes.

"So, you told me. What do you want from me? My blessing?"

"I don't want anything from you."

"You don't want anything from me?" Lucy repeated in disbelief. "Because I think you do. I think deep down there's some part - some human part of you that wants me to stop you. God, I swear, this game that we keep playing. Nobody wins, nobody loses, people keep dying. What's the body count so far? And for what?"

"Okay, so now's the time where you tell me what a monster I am?" He braced himself from the onslaught and Lucy couldn't help but feel guilty - had she really put him down so thoroughly that insults were all he expected of her?

"I don't think you're a monster anymore. I used to. But now I just think that you're sad, and you're lonely. I think you're a broken person who misses the people that they love, just like me, just like Wyatt."

"Don't talk about my family like you know them." He warned her, voice low and full of pain.

"You want to stop Rittenhouse, I'll help you. But not like this."

"How?" Flynn stalked toward her until they were practically nose to nose. His eyes drilled into her and she swallowed, realising she had no solution to offer him.

"Right. You don't know because there is no other way."



"Just... If you really are going to do this, before you go, if I die, or go back and nobody knows me, or whatever, I want you to tell me - what was Anthony talking about? The - the big thing that should've made me help you?"

Timeless: Through Time - GarcyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz