Chapter 3: The First Victim

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[The Red - Handed Boy Arc]

Flashbacks of the deceased and devoured baby laid heavily on Indie's consciousness. He couldn't stop thinking about her. Her satiable taste and his unbearable grief.
But Indie can't live in the past when he has a goal to achieve, to get revenge on everyone that wronged him. First he decided to go back to his classmates, and get revenge on the girl that rejected him, Ashley.
He decided to go and get vengeance on her in the best way possible, DEATH.
He went back to his school on Monday, quietly stalking his former classmates. That's when he saw her, Ashley.
She had dirty blond hair, hanging down to her shoulders. She was wearing an orange skirt, and red shirt.
Indie talked and texted her for months, trying to get close to her, and learn about her. He loved her, he wanted her so much, but then Ashley got with Kent, and left Indie heartbroken.
So now Indie will kill her.
He waited and watched until school let out, and then he followed her to her bus, sneakily got on it and followed her to her house. Before Indie got to her house, he saw a butterfly on fire flying through the sky. Ashley got home and then she started taking off her clothes, Ashley thought she was alone. Then Indie came out from the shadows in her house, and then confronted her.
"Hello Ashley. Long time no see."
Ashley jumped, she was filled with an expression of unprecedented shock.
"W-What are you doing here?!"
She asked with obvious fear,
"You weren't at school today, I thought you were sick."
Indie slowly went closer to Ashley.
"Maybe I am." He responded.
Ashley slowly started to back away.
"So what have you come to speak to me about?" Ashley asked with uneven grace.
Indie was about to speak when he heard a cell phone ring, it was Ashley's.
They both looked at the phone screen, and saw the name Kent.
"Pick it up." Indie said emotionlessly.
Ashley went to pick up the phone and accepted the call.
"Hello?" Ashley spoke apprehensively.
"Hey..." Kent replied,
"it took you a long time to pick up the phone, is anything wrong?"
Ashley was looking for words to say when Indie handed her a sheet of paper.
Tell him you just got home and couldn't find your phone was written on it.
Ashley spoke those words and went on to have a seemingly normal conversation with Kent. When the conversation ended, Ashley put down the phone.
"So why are you here?" Ashley asked once again.
Indie responded, "Remember Ashley? Back last year, I always talked to you, I texted you, I always started the conversation. Remember all those times we had?!"
He started to raise his voice.
"After all of that, you got with Kent instead of me! WHY?! I WOULD'VE DONE EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING FOR YOU! I LOVED YOU! I LOVE YOU! So why? Why did you pick him over me? Why? Why? Why?"
A tear dropped down Indie's left eye. Ashley was shocked, the boy she saw now was nothing like the Indie she knew.
She thought back to the Indie she knew...

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