And So It Begins

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Chapter 9

"And remember deadbolt your door at night," Scar throws out before closing the door as she exits room 414.

The door closing doesn't echo, and the lighting from the over head fan and side lamp have a warm yellow hue. It wasn't cold and small like a captives courters in movies. The room was quiet large with a queen sized bed, dresser, bedside table, desk, chair, and even a bookshelf with some well known titles stacked into the shelves.

But it didn't stop the sting in my nose and burning behind my eyes as they watered. I was really here. Caught up in the world I promised to stay away from and it was all coming down like a weight of uncertainty.

I know what I am supposed to feel. Anger and fear being the main two. Although those are present there is also a familiarity within all of this. The violence, the foul months and tough guy fronts, but most of all the comradery.
My mind runs through the mock ER with all those men fighting her the entire time, but truly they were just scared. Ha. Well imagine how I must have felt as a mouse against cats. But then again I had a lion protecting me, standing up for me, and shielding me.

On their own accord my arms wrap around my own waist remembering his grip. Even if it was just to hold me up, his hands were strong and chest was wide with power. My finger tips tingle remembering their soft brushes against him.

I suppose it was then that I realizes I was fantasizing about my capture like a girl obsessed with her big brothers friends.

"Oh god," I groan out as my hands run down my face trying to scrub out any of the images of today that started to surface.

Taking a step towards the desk I notice the sleek laptop on the desk, but know better than to get my hopes up. There were probably people monitoring internet use or blocks on the laptop.

It was next to the desk I spotted another door cracked open showing the sliver of the inside of a bathroom.

Thank God.
Without hesitation I ran for it and searched for a towel. Locking the door behind me I started getting ready for the shower hoping it would relax me enough to drift into a soft sleep afterwards.


"Wakey wakey hotty!" The raspy voice accompanied by a cloud of dissipating smoke comes through my door that I knew I had locked on her recommendation.

"I wish you wouldn't call me that," I mumble not getting up from the desk I had purched myself at in front of the laptop provided.

I had learned that there were some restrictions to what sites I could use but it made it possible for me to contact work about the family emergency and find co-workers to cover shifts. I even contacted my landlord to tell him I would be heading home for the some unforeseen time and would be paying rent electronically instead of check this month. He got back saying if it would be a long enough time out of the apartment then he would turn off the electricity and gas so that my bills would be lower for this month.

"Oh. You're up," Scar says sounding disappointed, she probably wanted the privilege's of waking me up to catch me vulnerable.

Well I didn't sleep much. Yes I was exhausted but I wasn't on my normal sleeping schedule and I had woken up only a couple hours after shutting my eyes. It was noon and I had been wide awake as I usually would be but even if I had slept until Scar's wakeup call that would have only offered me 4-5 hours of sleep.

"How did you get in? I locked the door." I ask ignoring her disappointment. She holds up two thin metal shiny tools, " I told you to deadbolt it. Not my fault you didn't listen."

I roll my eyes and turn around to shut down the computer, "My bad, I wasn't expecting to have someone pick my lock this morning."

"You are woman in a mansion full of violent men. Deadbolt your bedroom door."

This caught me off guard because it almost sound like she was giving me honest advise. But God I hope it wasn't from experience.

I gulp, "They... they wouldn't... would they?" I couldn't even get the words out.

Scar waits for me to face her again before holding my gaze with an eerie seriousness, "Lets never find out. better safe than sorry."

That answer wasn't enough for me.

"Have they ever... tried to rape you?" I ask boldly hoping not to trigger anything for her, but needing to know the level of safety I have here.

"No. Ace and the boss man would have their heads. They don't tolerate that shit, but that doesn't mean there aren't scum in the dark corners of this place. I would hate to see any women staying here hurt like that."

I nod digesting the information but my brain feeling rattled by the mention of Ace, wondering where he is. Will I be seeing him on a regular basis or only on the operating table? Those thoughts didn't sit well with me.

"You know how the legal system should really work? I say man or woman if you rape someone then you should be punished in a violating matter. Maybe forced to experience that themselves. Taste of their own medicine."

As dark as that was I found myself sympathizing, "One day they'll have something more severe than what they have now."

Scar scuffed, "Yeah that'll be the day," sighing she continues but off-topic, "get dressed, you have work."

She tosses a plastic bag onto the bed that I didn't notice earlier, walking to it I see the blue scrubs poking out.

And so it begins.

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