Field Trip

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Ace opened the car door for me, well it was more like a limo with its sleek black paint and the tan leather interior. I slide in quietly and he follows, but we stay on opposite sides trying to create physical distance between us.

The silence hangs over us with me looking out the window and Ace working on his phone. He never gave me an answer this morning to our conversation. He never got the chance and unsaid words linger in the air.

"Even you?"

He opens his mouth but nothing comes out. He can't say yes. I know it. He knows it. The fucking walls know it. But I want him to say it. Why? I couldn't explain the need and worse it didn't make any sense. He is my captor, I am the prisoner. So why do I need him to admit he's an exception? 

"Ace!" A shout interrupts us and we both snap our heads toward the voice. It was only then that I realized how close we are standing.

Scar comes jogging into the room with sweat shining on her skin and a phone in hand. Ace moves to her with brows pulled down. On a normal man, it would look like worry, but on him, he looks pissed. 

"What?" He asks but there is a tightness to his tone, almost a hiss. 

Scar inhales rapidly and holds out the phone, "It's Dominic, he says the restaurants' been hit," she pants again, "They need a medic."

"Tell him to come here," Ace's voice is urgent but controlled. 

She shakes her head hair sticking to her forehead, "They said he won't make it through the transportation. Not with the cops casing the block and the fucking Irish hanging around still waiting to finish the job."

Ace's back stiffens as his entire demeanor changes and goes cold, and the air around him drops in temperature. Scar looks past him at me and it's only then that I realize they need me. They need me out of the compound. A flicker of hope lit the back of my spine. I could run. I know how to stay off the grid, my father taught me that much at least. They wouldn't be able to find me. 

As if sensing the spark Ace growls out one word, "No."

Hope leaves me in a loud exhale, "I can help," I hear myself say and am proud it doesn't sound as desperate as I feel. 

He snaps his head to me just as Scar speaks, "Come on Ace she can do it," I hear a panic in her voice that makes me think this might be personal. 

"She'll run," He says to Scar but his eyes are on me. Those once gentle dark blue oceans have turned back into untrusting chaotic seas. 

"We'll stop her," Scar fires back not even defending the contrary. They all know I will, "And how far could she fucking get."

I feel a sense of relief in her doubt, knowing that they won't be expecting what I can do.

If Ace sees the relief he doesn't comment and only narrows his eyes, "No," he says again his stare on me this time. 

"Ace!" Scar shouts exasperated, "It's fucking Dominic. He's shot!" Reluctantly Ace swings his head back to Scar and stares at her pleading expression. 

Something unsaid passes between them because the next thing I know Ace has my arm in hand and he's pulling me through the maze of his fortress out to an alley road and opening a car door for me. 

The car stays silent until we pull down a street and there is a shift in the air. The city streets are empty except for running figures between buildings here and there. I feel the eyes on the car and my body recognizes this feeling before my mind can remind it that we are not there anymore. We are not the doll in a glass house. 

But my heart picks up and my hands begin to shake. I remember the shadows of bodyguards and the taunts from kids calling our family criminals. 

His fingers are warm as they wrap around my entwined hands. It didn't surprise me to receive his comfort, but when it worked to calm down my racing pulse and the shakes a different fear took its place. No one has really been able to calm me before, not even Landon could do it. But Ace did. That terrified me. 

"Sorry," I murmur needing to speak to rationalize my own thoughts. I think I am apologizing for my anxiety though even I am not sure.

He hums and then asks, "Are you not used to this?" He means the broken-down homes and bars on storefronts.

I shake my head and answer honestly for once, "I grew up on streets like this."

This surprises him. I can feel it in his grip as it tightens reflexively, "Not good memories then?"

I smile and look up at him, "In a different way than what you might be thinking."

We're interrupted before he can say anything else. 


"Coming up around the corner, Boss," the driver says and Ace pulls his hand from mine. A new tension rolled off of him. He moves to grab a black duffle bag from the seat across us, one I noticed but knew not to ask about. 

Slowly he opens it and brings it between us, "Medical supplies."

I lean over to look inside and am surprised by the extent of what was packed. I don't know much about what I am walking into and I think they like to keep it that way. When my eyes find the medical took disinfectant I snap up head up to see Ace is already looking at me. 

A small smile graces his face and we are so close I can see a dimple carved into his left cheek, "I figured the real stuff would be better than thousand-dollar Scotch," He says. I open my mouth but nothing comes out, I have nothing to say that wouldn't be completely ridiculous. 

Then we slowly come to a stop, "here," the driver says and Ace pulls away zipping up the bag but I am unable to move. His eyes take in the back alley we are stopped outside of and he is tense again. 

His foot taps on the floor of the car and he's hesitating. By the glances the driver is sending it is obvious he doesn't usually act like this.

 "I won't run, I promise,"  I don't know why I said it or where it came from, but it is out of my mouth before I can stop. 

He freezes and slowly brings his body back to face me. Then places a hand on my neck where it meets the shoulder and leans in close, I almost think he's going to kiss me but he stops next to my ear. 

"If you do, mia Damigella," He pauses and runs his nose slowly down the edge of my jawline, "You won't like what I do when I find you. But I will like it, every fucking second of it."

My Damsel.

My heart almost leaps out of my throat, but I don't have time to process anything before a coat is thrown over my head. 

The Mafia's NurseOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz