"What's wrong with her?! Why is she saying that?!" Alpha Allen demanded. I could almost feel her unimpressed look as she turned to him.

"Well, given that she is not screaming her lungs out, which would suggest she was laying on a broken arm, I'd suppose her arm got a hard hit, it may also be sprained, but I am not as concerned with a sprained arm as a bruised neck, black and blue eye and oh yes, the enormous bruising on her left side, which would suggest massive internal bleeding - so what, Alpha Allen, would you suggest I tend to first?" after a short moment of silence, she finished with a 'that's what I thought', before cutting up my dress with a small scissors.

"Riley, you take a look at her eye. Row, you check her head," she ordered, before two doctors rushed to each side of the bed, one carefully looking over the back and top of my head, the other kneeling in front of my face

"Open your left eye, and close the right on, please, miss," he told me. I did as he told, relieved that I could still see through my left eye, except for the dried blood around it.

He let the tips of his fingers brush around the area surrounding my eye. His lips pressed together, frowning. "I think the area around her eye is broken, we'll have to x-ray her face, and probably put some sort of cast over her eye to make sure the bones heal properly,"

"I think we'll have to x-ray all of her, the bruising on the side of her head suggests that immense pressure was put onto it, I could imagine there is a whole net of compact fractures, and she obviously has quite a few broken ribs."

A loud crash made me sit up abruptly, a scream leaving me in the same second as my broken ribs twisted painfully. I fell back down, desperately trying to get some air back into the lungs I'd just emptied, but it seemed as if my body rejected the oxygen, forcing it out before it could absorb into my heart.

Suddenly, the young doctor who had examined my eyes fell to the ground, quickly being replaced my a distressed-looking Alpha Allen. He looked up at dr. Larsson, baring his teeth, before standing up from his knees, making the otherwise strong-looking doctor seem small and fragile next to his tall figure. "What's wrong with her?! She's getting pale, I don't like that she's getting pale-" he grabbed around the collar of the white coat she was wearing, pulling her face up to his. I wanted to close my eyes in fear of what he might do to her next, but my gaze was locked at the two, his eyes turning bright yellow with anger. "You better fix this right at this instant, or I will make sure that you will be fired, locked away, and never ever get to see your mate again."

The doctor, who's eyes had been calm throughout the entire process, suddenly widened, panic filling them. She nodded frantically. "I- I think she might... might have a punctured lung. The-uh, the best thing we can do is drive her down to surgery right now and have a tube go down and- and try to drain the air, and then we'll... we'll evaluate the situation from there..."

Alpha Allen nodded, and a nurse slipped beside Alpha Allen, offering me his palm. I gently rested my hand in his, gritting my teeth and closing my eyes as he inserted an IV line into the top of my hand.

"The first thing we'll have to do is x-ray her to assert the bone damage, and then we'll operate," the doctor who had examined my head said. "But we'll knock her out now, to minimize the pain," he added quickly, as Alpha Allen was shooting dagger his way with his neon yellow eyes.

My eyelids soon began feeling heavy, the last thing I saw being a pair of yellow eyes gazing intensely, almost pained into mine.

I'd never thought anything could be so scary that it would give me nightmares even in my narcosis, but as I felt the forceful darkness taking over my mind, I still saw glowing eyes and shadowy figures stalking me from the corners of my consciousness.

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