Scene 05- Weasley is our king

Start from the beginning

I nod, trying to dry my face, leaning onto Fred when he drags me towards the hospital wing.


I wake up confused and hungry in the hospital bed. It's quiet in here, Fred who sits next to me gives me a smile when he realizes I'm awake. 

"Madam Pomfrey said you will be fine by tomorrow. She never saw someone getting that sick out of the blue."

He winks and I crack a smile putting my head back on the pillow. 

"Tell me why you are so excited about this?," I ask. 

"Because my dear brother, I watched her closely when she brewed you something against your situation you're in and we might have found a way to loosen the outcome of the fever pills," he lowers his voice when madam pomfrey comes over to us.

"Ah Mister Weasley. How are you feeling?" 

"I'm good thank you, maybe a bit uneasy because this chair isn't really comfortable," Fred starts. 

She just rolls her eyes and looks at me: "And what about you mister Weasley?" 

"I'm just tired, thank you." 

She nods: "You got yourself a real bad cold there. No wonder you are tired," 

Pomfrey puts her hand on my head to look if I'm still hot before giving me another brew: "I want you here at least till tomorrow." 

"I'm fine really," I insist, I know why I felt this way. 

"No protests, you'll stay the night." 

Then she has to look after a little girl who looks like she fell of a broom.

"You should go Fred," I tell him. 

"Don't worry, I'll come back," he has a mischievous grin plastered on his face before going. I hope he won't do what I think he would do.

*Anne's Prov*

"Mister Hollow," Snape speaks up looking towards us. 

Cole stops his packing to look up. 

"Can you please bring this list Madam Pomfrey?" 

He holds up a neatly rolled parchment. 

"Of course professor," Cole walks towards him and takes it. 

I wait for him and when he's done we both go out of the classroom. 

"What is it?," I ask when Cole unfolds the parchment. 

"Looks like a list of ingredients that went missing?," he then tries to roll it back into it's original phase as good as possible.

"Don't tell me that every year some students try to get something from Professor Snape's personal belongings? Last year a lot for poly juice potions went missing," I say. 

"Whatever it is in the end, he doesn't seem happy about it. Can you bring this to the hospital wing?," he gives me the parchment. 

"What? Snape gave you the duty to do it. Why don't you go? You were the one who said yes?" 

"Well, you don't simply say no to him when he asks for a favour. And I have something important to do now," 

I look at the direction his eyes go. Towards a girl waiting for him. 

"Or someone," I mutter earning slight chuckle from him.

"Please can't you just do it for me? Please?" 

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