Author's Note

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Welp...looks like I'm doing this thing. The Open Novella Contest is a popular thing I've never really done because I was busy with NR and none of the prompts ever really caught my eye.

Until one.

I realised with all my world building on NR I haven't done much with a particular place or time which I really need to figure out.


It has it's own magic system, country, history and monarchy and apart from a few major things: I have yet to figure any of that out. So, with all that said.

Welcome to Nightspun.

This is both a stand alone story and a spin off for the Night Rider. There are characters and storylines that will overlap and may be continued but for the most part it should stand as it's own story. I hope you enjoy. And I hope it ends up under 40k words. :L

Nightspun (#ONC_2020)Where stories live. Discover now