Chapter 22

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The alarm was ringing non-stop. She had zero interest of waking up. The day before, she helped in cleaning their farm's barns. She cooked food for the workers as well. Since it's already spring, they were starting to clean their farm.

"(F/N)! If you don't wake up, you'll be late to school!"

"School...?" As she mumbled it, she opened her eyes widely and hurriedly checked the time "I don't have time anymore! I need to prepare breakfast and lunch!"

She hurriedly changed to her uniform, grabbed her stuffs and ran down towards the kitchen

"Sorry! I wake up late!"

"Eat your breakfast now then we will leave" Reo immediately told her

"I need to prepare lunch too-"

"Grandma prepared lunch for you and for Seijurou-kun as well. It's there. She said that you won't be able to prepare, so she prepared before she left to the market"


"If you are thinking that you said to Seijurou that you would be preparing his lunch everyday, keep in mind that there would be time that you won't be able to. So the next time you do it, make sure to make up for it." He told her then handed her sandwich breakfast. (F/N) remained silence and sighed in defeat as she sat down and took a bite of it. He also reminded her "you are in your third year now. Finish that- no! Finish that in the car! No more time!"

(F/N) hurriedly followed her cousin to his car and they headed to school. (F/N) just told him to drop her off two blocks from the school so he won't make a u-turn, and it would take more time.


She hurriedly ran towards the school, since she only had 5 more minutes before the gate closed. She was checking the time from her phone as she was running fast.

Though she was able to arrive on their class before their teacher arrived, she was so exhausted, and was catching her breath, since she needed to run towards her new class.

"(F/N)! I was so worried that you won't arrive on time!" Sae approached her after their first class

"I also thought so." She responded, her head slumping on her desk "I still feel so tired"

"What happened to you? Good thing you were able to find your way here. It's the first day of our 3rd year, and to think that you were almost late" Sae sighed as she crossed her arms

"Well, yesterday I helped in our farm. I woke up late this morning. I asked my cousin to drop me off two blocks from here. I ran, and bumped to someone, and then I lost my phone"

"Everyone, our next teacher is not here today. Seems like she got into an accident so they said they will decide who will take over while she is in the hospital. For now, it's free tine" one of their classmates entered their class to inform them

"Then (F/N), do you want to call your phone? Someone might pick it up?" Sae suggested and she immediately nodded

"Probably the guy a while ago. I think he was wearing Rakuzan uniform, so he would be here"

Sae got her phone from her bag and immediately tried to dial the number, but then she stopped "well, if he is from this school, then, probably he has class?"

"Ah, then during lunch." She responded then looked around "ahre, Where's Akashi?"

"He immediately left after first class." Arai responded as she also joined them "he also arrived few minutes before you. He was so busy, it's the first day of our 3rd year."

"Ah, hello?" They turned to Sae and she gestured that someone answered the phone then she turned the loud speaker on "yes, actually, my friend dropped her phone-"

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