Chapter 10

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"Why do I need for me to break up with Ririka?!"

"Because I couldn't stand you being with her!" She raised her voice in annoyance

"You already have a boyfriend! Move on from me-"

"Don't get too highly of yourself" Akashi was the one who responded

"I already have moved on from you. But knowing you are going out with Ririka, and knowing you liking Akiko a lot, it irritates me because you end up with her! Of all people, Ririka! If I don't know what happened, I wouldn't mind you two going out! But in my eyes, in our eyes, you are such a pitiful person!" (F/N) sighed and grabbed Akashi's arm "let's go, Akashi, Nikaido" and before they left "Akiko has an amnesia. It isn't just you whose existence was rejected. If you really are curious of what happened, break up with Ririka. Or since you already have Ririka, don't bother Akiko anymore"

The three left Shouta, who kept on shouting (F/N)'s name, asking her to explain"


"Wow, you changed a lot, (F/N)-chan" Nikaido chuckled as they were walking towards 2-A's "before, the shouting would be done by Akiko-chan. I mean, you are the silent type"

"Really? Was I like that before?" (F/N) sighed then gazed in front of them "But I guess, I really need to get stronger, for Akiko as well"

"You don't need to" Akashi told her "you could lean to me more. I'll be here with you"

"You really sure could say such words" (F/N) chuckled and then turned to Nikaido "I apologize that I really didn't know you. Also, you might still be interested with Akiko-"

"Ah, no, don't get it wrong. Akiko is my first love. But I think that she got a knight on her side already"


"That green hair guy with her. When I talked to her a while, his eyes were so sharp and he was intimidating" Nikaido laughed but stopped when noticed their silent response "eh?"

"Akashi, isn't that your friend?" She asked but then noticed the enigmatic smile from Akashi "don't tell me you are thinking something bad?"

"Of course not. Anyways, because there are lots of people going in our way, we weren't able to go around together."

(F/N) checked her watch and laughed as she noticed that it's time for them to return

"Nikaido, I'll lead the way to our Kingdom. Akashi, I'll see you later again. Good luck on your student council job" since she was still holding Akashi's arm, she freed herself then grabbed Nikaido's "let's go"

Akashi sighed as he watched them ran away towards their classroom

"Not yet, not yet there, (F/N)" he smirked then head to the student council room

But because (F/N) was called to their kitchen, she left Nikaido on his own. He could see Ririka though, who was serving customers, smiling ear to ear wearing her costume

"She's really annoying" he chuckled.


That next day, there were lots of guests since it was opened to the public.

"Now what should we do?" One of their classmates worriedly asked

"Is something wrong?"

"Guests kept on coming, so we can't have the time to prepare you and Akashi-sama" Sae explained to (F/N) "your costumes take time after all"

"Then how about this?" They looked at Arai and she was having a big wide smile "actually I secretly made these. Why don't we let Akashi-sama wear this prince costume, and (F/N)-chan this princess costume? It's easy to wear"

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