Chapter 14

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"Ahhh... I'm so stressed" (F/N) slumped her face on the table. It was already lunch and she was with Akashi on their usual hiding place "I'm so tired"

"Don't stress about it. Everything will be okay" Akashi stated with assurance

She sat back then turned to him, tilting her head in confusion "Akashi"


"Why are you sitting over here? Not on your usual seat?" She asked since Akashi was sitting next to her

He smirked and moved closer to her, in which she flinched and felt nervous all of a sudden

"You told me to lessen the public display of inappropriate act. We are on our own now, and I told you I needed to fully possess you."

"Ahre, Akashi, your tone is getting scarier"

"Since you are mine now, don't get stress over those unnecessary things on your own. Also, as I said, I won't let you transfer. I'll say it right away, I'll end all your nightmares" as he said that, Akashi moved closer to her, and kissed her. Unlike last time, he didn't stop until she couldn't breathe anymore.

(F/N) felt dizzy, and couldn't help but rest her head on his chest. Akashi hugged her and chuckled

"Please, let me breathe... that was intense. I'm not used to it, so don't attack me like that"

"You need to get used to it." Akashi chuckled and pulled her closer "after class, do you have club activity?"

"No, today we don't have. Rumi-chan, I mean, Arai Rumi-chan asked me to go with her. She wanted to buy some cheap ingredients"


"Why?" She looked at him but received a quick kiss from him

"Nothing. Just let me know where are you. Make sure to don't stay out late"

"I don't want to go home" (F/N) again rested her head to his chest and sighed "so I rather stay out late"

"If you want to stay out, then stay in my place instead"

"Your place is the most dangerous place now" As (F/N) said that, she flinched since she just realized that she shouldn't have said that. She nervously looked up and smiled at Akashi, who was also smiling at her, but

"Most dangerous place, huh?" he asked while smiling, but again, he decreased the gap, and conquered her lips once again.

~after class~

"Rumi-chan, look after (F/N)-chan, okay?"

"Sae, I won't get lost" (F/N) sighed

"My gut is telling me that something bad will happen" Sae worriedy told her "I don't know. I feel nervous"

"Don't worry, I'll look after her." Arai responded then turned to Akashi.

~before their last class started~

Arai went out to get something to drink, it was then


"Hmmmm?" She turned around and flinched seeing Akashi approaching her "Akashi-sama?! Is there something wrong?"

"I heard you are going out with (F/N) later?"

"Ah, yes. I asked her to tell me where to buy cheap but good ingredients"



"Go to Kyoto Station at around 5:00 PM, at the main entrance. There, a Chinese man will approach you two. He will ask direction to go to a hotel in Nakagyo Ward."

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