Chapter 16

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The sky was a bit gloomy, the weather was so cold, in any minute, the snow might fall. It was heavy and for (F/N), she wanted to just stay inside. But, Akiko and Sae told her to go already to her grandma, and talk to her. If she would wait more of it, she won't be able to say it. But Akashi suggested to call them first, to make sure that they are in their house

"Here, use our home phone to call them. You know the number, right?" Akashi handed their wireless hand phone

She was hesitant, but still got it from him.

She made a deep breath, and prepared herself. She dialled the number but froze "I forgot Satsuki-san's number... I'll just call the home phone"

She dialled a different number again, and it rang couple of times, until someone answered

"(L/N) household, Masato speaking"

"Masato-san, it's (F/N)."

"Oh! (F/N)-kun, how are you?"

"I am doing okay. Is grandma there?"

She heard Masato from the other side of the phone asking someone and her eyes widened hearing his response

"They said she went to see you. She's with Satsuki-san and her son, Reo"

"What?! She went to see me?! When did they leave?!"

"They said almost an hour ago"

"What?! Anyways, thank you!" (F/N) ended the call and turned to Akashi in grimace

"What's wrong?" Sae and Akiko asked at the same time

"Grandma went to see me! I need to go home!" She anxiously tried to leave, but Akashi grabbed her hand and stopped her "Akashi!"

"I understand that you are anxious. Calm down. We'll drive you there. It's faster, and safer"

"T-thank you"

They all headed out, and immediately went to (F/N)'s house. She was so nervous, and was hoping that there won't be anyone in the house, except for her step-mother and step-siter, she was hoping that at least they stopped by somewhere and still weren't there. She was trying to be positive, since it was still afternoon.


However, as they arrived in front of their house, they were surprised seeing a police car parked in front of the house.

"Did grandma call them?" (F/N) asked as they got off the car but her eyes widened when two policemen were escorting her grandma, her auntie and cousin, who had cuff on their hands "GRANDMA! Satsuki-san! Reo-nii!" She shouted and hastily ran towards them. There were four people also inside the house that (F/N) didn't know, looking at them angrily

"(F/N)!" Satsuki called her in relief "thank God, you are here!"

"What happened?!"

"We were caught for trespassing" his cousin Reo chuckled "Grandma was telling these policemen that it's her house, but when the people inside called Kinako, she bluntly told them that she has no grandma, so they called the police for tresspassing. We were trying to call your dad, but he isn't answering"

"Please free them!" (F/N) told the policemen

"Who are you?" One of the policemen asked

"I am her granddaughter, and this is her house. She lives in the countryside with my dad's sister"

"Liar! Kinako's family lives here!" One of the girls shouted "who are these people?!" They hissed in disgust

"Where's Kinako? You should tell her, her step-sister is back. I actually ran away from home but seems they didn't even realize" she sighed in disbelief

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