Chapter 17: Rushed Days

Start from the beginning

Since they left that house, Rose found herself thinking about that incident more times then she cared to admit. No matter how many times she convinced herself, Rose knew there were still feelings there. When you loved someone like that those feelings never go away. They forever hold a special place in your heart. It was hard to completely shut those feelings down. They held so many memories between them. He was with her all throughout school. He was by her side when they were growing up and embedded himself into all her important past events. He became a part of her. She couldn't ignore that so easily, no matter how hard she tried. There was no doubt he still held a piece of her. He always would, but that didn't mean she still loved him. She couldn't.

When they were delusionally young and in love they used to plan their life together. It wasn't an easy task to do, with Scorp leaving, but they still dreamed. They never discussed a wedding, but that didn't keep Rose from imagining one. A small wedding, with only their closest family and friends, at the Burrow. They'd have a large four-tier chocolate cake because that's Scorp's favorite. She'd wear her mother's dress because she always loved it. They'd spend the night in each other's arms, dancing, and dreaming of what was to come. Of course, that was all when she was young and foolish. When she thought he'd be back within a few months and they could just pick up right where they left off.

"You know I'm happy for you right?" Rose said, glancing up at Scorp from where her head rested in his lap.

Scorp who was stroking her hair smiled down at her. "I know."

Ever since they returned from their disastrous adventure through time, Rose had been on complete lockdown. For eight days now she'd been trapped in the confines of her house. Her parents were too afraid she and Hugo would disappear if they were to leave their sights again.

As much as Rose loved her parents and understood their reasons for not letting her out of the house, she was going insane being trapped with them. She wanted to be out of the house free to visit anyone; mainly Scorp. They'd finally made up after months of fighting and now they were separated again. It was pure torture.

They'd been able to communicate through owls, but it wasn't enough. Rose wanted to see him again. To hear him laugh, kiss him without any hesitation, and to simply be with him.

When Scorp sent her the sweetest letter that made her toes curl and her heart swell, she knew that she needed to see him again. Feigning illness, Rose excused herself to her room after dinner. Asking nobody to bother her, she locked the door and climbed out the window, before apparating to Malfoy Manor. The look on Scorp's face when he opened the door made the risk of getting caught well worth it.

They'd been sitting in the lawns of Malfoy Manor for a few hours now. After the initial kissing and catching up, they settled on a bench in the greenhouse and were sitting comfortably in one another's presence.

"I mean it." Rose insisted, sitting up to look at him. When Rose finally come to her senses and realized she overreacted about the whole situation, she'd apologized profusely, but it still didn't seem like enough. She still felt incredibly guilty. Yes, she was hurt, but she should have told him how proud she was. She should have hugged him and told him that he was going to do great things, instead of letting her anger take control of her emotions. "This is going to be an amazing opportunity for you and I'm just so proud of you. You tell me how proud you are of me all the time and I want you to know that I'm proud of you too." Rose huffed, turning her head to the ground. "I'm not good at saying all this stuff like you are."

"You mean expressing feelings?" Scorp joked, smiling affectionately at her.

"It's hard, okay!"

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