Chapter 25: However Long It Takes

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The light speckles of snow spattered the windows partially blocking Scorp's view of the rolling streets. He pushed back against the wooden booth and continued observing the streets. It was the week before Christmas and Diagon Alley was packed with last-minute shoppers and enthusiastic schoolchildren, excited to finally be free of school for the holidays. One mother had her child by his ear and was giving him a strong scolding. Behind her stood two older kids, who were snickering as their younger brother got in trouble for their doings. A shopman scuttled by with a box of sneakoscopes in his hand and a trail of boxes in his wake, all full of magic objects that Scorp couldn't make out. Another older girl walked by levitating a stack of books behind her. For a moment his heart lurched thinking it was Rose, but then he saw her blonde curls and sighed. Turning away from the window he focused his attention back to the wizard and witch in front of him who were currently engaged in a fierce spit battle that he did not want to witness any longer.

"Oi!" He shouted tossing his spoon at the dark-haired wizard. "Would you two knock it off?"

The couple separated. Albus looking rather dazed but at least he had the courtesy to cast Scorp a look full of shame. The raven-haired witch cast her hazel eyes on him and shrugged, unabashed by the circumstances.

"Sorry, mate," Albus mumbled, rubbing the back of his head awkwardly.

"No, he's not." Ara countered. "He was rather enjoying himself before you so rudely threw that spoon at him."

Albus blushed, but Scorp shook his head in amusement. Over the last four months, he'd become accustomed to Ara's honesty and upfront approach to life. She was the kind of girl that took what she wanted and didn't mind what anyone else thought of it. If she wanted to snog Albus in the middle of a crowded cafe as Scorp sat in front of him, she would and she wouldn't let anyone make her feel guilty about it. And she'd done just that on multiple occasions.

"My apologies. Next time I will throw a fork."

"That'd be better than that briefcase you chucked at us last week," Albus remarked, throwing an arm around Ara's shoulders. She snuggled into his chest, fingering the buttons of his robes.

"Not my fault you decided to use my office as your own personal breeding grounds. That was not something I needed to see that early in the morning. You're lucky all I threw at you was your briefcase, Al" Scorp shuttered at the memory.

"That's what happens when Ara makes a surprise visit and my office doesn't have a door."

Ara nodded along in agreement, as Al continued to defend their actions. Scorp blocked them out. He wasn't angry. Sure he considered obliviating himself to smudge out the memory, but at the end of the day, his best mate was happy. Albus and Ara had been together for over three months now. It was still new, but Scorp could tell his best mate was head over heels. She was good for him. She got him to relax and not worry so much. He was constantly smiling and no longer carried around a breeze of sadness.

As uncomfortable as their public acts of affection made him, he refused to complain about anything that made Albus so happy. He did have to put his foot down on occasion when they got to be a bit too much.

"Alright, I'm going to run over to the Prophet's office," Ara announced suddenly. "I'll be back in half an hour."

"What for?" Albus asked, lowering the cup he had placed to his lips.

"Your sister asked me to stop by. Says she has something to give me." Ara stood up, giving Albus a lingering kiss.

He pulled away, flicking his right brow up in suspicion. "What are you doing talking to my sister?"

"We are friends now," Ara admitted casually, swinging her cloak over shoulders. "She invited me over for tea last week and we hit it off. She knew I was meeting you and Scorpius today and asked me to drop by."

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