Chapter 3: Time's Up

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"You won't forget about me will you?"

Scorpius stared down in shock at the gorgeous freckled-faced girl lying next to him. He was slightly offended that she thought he could ever forget her.

They'd been best mates since the moment she scared the bullies off on their first train ride to Hogwarts. He'd been in love with her since the moment in the fourth year when she scolded him for falling off his broom before proceeding to clean up his wounds with a gentle touch.

How in the world could she think he'd ever forget her?

"You really think I could forget you?"

Rose shrugged staying silent, as she picked at a loose thread in his sheets, refusing to meet his steely gaze.

Tomorrow was their last day of exams, which meant Scorp was leaving tomorrow night. They had snuck up to Scorp's dormitory to get a few precious moments alone, while the rest of his dorm-mates were off at his going away party.

He still couldn't believe that by this time tomorrow he wouldn't know the next time they would see each other. The very thought killed him. Even though he'd known for over a year now that this day would come, he still wasn't ready for it. He wasn't ready to let her go just yet. He had a feeling he never would.

Gripping her chin delicately, he raised her face so that their eyes met. "I could never forget you." Before she could argue or think up some other absurd thought, Scorp guided her lips to his.

Rose kissed him back sweetly. After nearly a year together he still wasn't sick of kissing her. He pulled away to look into her pale blue eyes, hoping he was conveying everything that she meant to him with his next words. "I'll love you always."

Scorpius' eyes snapped wide open, his heart pounding wildly. He glanced at his side looking for the girl that was in his head a few moments before. Instead, there was only an empty space. It took a few seconds of confusion, for him to realize that it was all a dream. It was always just a dream.

Groaning, Scorp sat up, pressing the palms of his hands into his eyes, as if it could erase the memories. The anniversary of his departure was fast approaching.

Each day he was plagued with a reminder of those last days. For the past few nights, the memory of that night with Rose played like a broken record on repeat. Each time he woke up hoping to see her lying next to him, each time he was thoroughly disappointed.

It had been almost six years since that conversation with Rose. Since he'd seen her smile at him. Since he'd gone blue in the face bickering with her. Since she'd yelled at him for being a bloody idiot. Merlin, he missed her.

Those memories of Rose never stayed submerged for long. After five years, she was still on his mind constantly.

He'd pass a book shop and think about how much she'd like it. He'd sweep his floor and recall all the times they'd raced around the quidditch pitch. He'd smell vanilla and the feel of her wrapped in his arms would come rushing back full force.

The alarm clock on his bedside table read 9:37. He groaned, wishing he could spend the day sleeping. Throwing the covers off, Scorp stretched tiredly, getting out of bed. He dressed quickly and headed into the kitchen for a glass of water.

Opening the fridge, he grabbed the pitcher of ice cold water and a plastic glass from the counter. He preferred using plastic utensils, it meant fewer dishes for him to do later. He filled the cup and took a long swig. The water rushed down his parched throat soothingly.

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