She saw Spotted'Stripe sharing tongues with One'Ear, his grief seemed to be in waves at a time. Night'Breeze felt bad and wanted to approach him, but she decided not to. She decided it'll be better if he had this last moment with One'Ear.

  She padded into the medicine den to check on Bright'Wing. She saw Cinder'Feather comforting her. He stood up and grabbed a leaf full of some poppy seeds. He dropped it in front of her.

  "I don't need it Cinder'Feather. . ." Bright'Wing pushed it it away.

  Night'Breeze brushed against Bright'Wing, trying to comfort her. Bright'Wing looked at her but quickly looked away. "Bright'Wing. . .It wasn't your fault. . ." Night'Breeze mews gently.

  Cinder'Feather flicked his tail, "Bright'Wing, you are a medicine cat! Of course your going to make mistakes, but you have to learn from them! Not just. . .just. . .Give up!" He hissed as he stood in front of her. Bright'Wing was taken aback, she didn't know how to respond.

  Bright'Wing stood up and hissed, "Well you never saw your leader die in front of you, especially when you knew you could do something!" She paused as rage filled her eyes, "I watched him die! I watched One'Ear die!" She hissed once more.

  "Every cat dies sometime! StarClan willed One'Ear to die and Dawn'Star to lose a life! StarClan wills everything!" He hissed back.

  "So now it's StarClans fault?!" Bright'Wing spat. Her tail fluffed up, becoming twice its size. Cinder'Feathers eyes filled with frustration.

  "No! I'm trying to tell you that everything happens for a reason! Why not learn from it instead of feeling bad for yourself!" He spat back, he sat down and began to calm down, "If you feel sorry for yourself, how can you help others?" Cinder'Feather meows as he wrapped his tail neatly around his paws.

  Bright'Wing was confused of how quickly Cinder'Feathers mood changed. Night'Breeze was also confused as she watched the two cats argue.

  "Y-You're right. . .I need to focus on helping others. . .And learn from my mistakes." She mewed quietly.

  "And stop feeling sorry or ashamed. . ." He stood up and rasped his tongue over her ear. Night'Breeze padded out of the medicine den, she felt confused by everything.

  Night'Breeze stared at One'Ears body and padded closer to it. "I may not have been that close to you. . .But I know you were a good friend and deputy to Dawn'Star. . ." She whispered quietly as she sat down. It was becoming sun down and soon the vigil will take place.

  A few cats stalked out of the dens, warily watching One'Ears body as if he'll spring to life once more. She heard a cat murmur something, "Dawn'Star will need to pick a new deputy." It was Ash'Whisper talking to White'Nose. White'nose nodded in agreement.

  Soon Dawn'Star padded out of his den, looking older beyond his years, his eyes looked up at the Tallrock as he got ready to leap onto it. He soon leapt and landed feebly on his paws, the tom looked weak with sadness as he stared down at One'Ears body. "Let all cats who are old enough to run the moor, meet under the Tallrock for a clan meeting." His voice boomed through the clearing.

  Cats gathered carefully around One'Ears body. They all stared up at Dawn'Star with a hopelessness in their eyes. Night'Breeze padded to where Muddy'Paw was and sat beside him.

  "I say these words before the body of One'Ear, that the spirits of our warrior ancestors may hear and approve of my choice. The new deputy of  Wind Clan will be Speckle'Face." Dawn'Star meowed as he looked up at the almost visible SilverPelt. It was sun down, and Dawn'Star hopped down from the Tallrock. He took his place beside his close friend and began to share tongues with him.

Book 1(Destiny of a Cat): Into a Clan COMPLETE!Where stories live. Discover now