Tell Me a Secret.

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Chapter 13/ Tell Me a Secret.

"How do you write the things you do?"

she asked.

"I don't".

I said,

"You do."



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"I got a job."

It was a cold evening. The kind of weather that Faith didn't and would never like. It was gloomy and it made her breath come short and her intakes very sharp. She liked light and sunshine not because it was typical of her, but because she could just breathe without force and obligation.

She held a blanket tight to her chest as she spoke to Mr. Drew carefully. "It's nothing major, but it's a writing position that i applied for a while back. And i know i should've told you-

Mr. Drew laughed softly and shook his head expecting this reaction from Faith, "Do you honestly expect me to be anything but proud right now?"

And they both stood up. 

And they started jumping around squeaking like little teenage girls.

But neither of them minded it. And even though Faith said it was not a big deal, it really really was. She's wanted to pursue the thing she loved immensely since forever and now that she has the opportunity, she couldn't wait to snatch it and act upon it.

After having their little party of screaming and dancing, they both leaned back on their couch, her head on his chest. "I'm so proud of you." Mr. Drew repeated and emphasized. 

Faith felt her heart swell at the love she felt for this person right here. A love like no other, truly.

Faith hugged him tightly, "I know. And I love you for it." 

Faith has never really had support as a young girl trying to figure out life and its roots. She's never genuinely felt that her parents' were rooting for her and standing back watching with pride as she achieves whatever t is she wants to. So having that, right now, she couldn't ask for more.

"So, when do you start?" Mr. Drew asked Faith quietly. 

"Tomorrow. They said my applications 'wow'ed them so much that they wanted me to start right away,"

Mr. Drew could here the obvious excitement in her voice and how her body was literally shaking with joy and he felt as if, in that moment, he was holding on his own daughter.

And he knew that even though he lost a world, this one right here will allow him to live another day.


Faith always knew that the library meant something. It was the place she found a head start to her new life in. A boy whom she felt something for. And another who confused the hell out of her.

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