Wipe Your Feet at the Door.

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Chapter 15/ Wipe Your Feet at the Door.

"I'll let you

 into my soul,

but wipe your feet at the door."

-- Atticus.

"We're not anything, Josiah

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"We're not anything, Josiah."

They were still in the car and the rain was making the air foggy and cold. Kind of like the mood set for today. Because Faith didn't know what he meant. "You matter to me." She repeated the sentence in her mind not knowing from which corner or position she should be taking it's meaning. Should she take the platonic one, or the hidden one waiting to be revealed?

She put one leg on the other, suddenly uncomfortable with Josiah going silent. Awkward. 

She went to grab the knob of the door, but soon stopped when she was reminded how bad the weather really was. Lightening and thunder danced in the sky as acrid harmonies were welcomed in Faith and Josiah's ears.

"It's raining pretty bad, you sure you'll be okay on the way back?"

Josiah hesitated, but he was going to say yes. Of course he was okay. Always should be,

But Faith shook her head, in disbelief at how rude and inconsiderate she was being,

"Come up with me. Spend the night. You can't go back alone, its dangerous and slippery." She demanded getting out before he could argue. 

She put the hood of her hoodie up her head quickly heading towards the entrance with Josiah locking the car immediately behind her. 

Faith was not walking very properly but the hurting was not very serious. It was minimal, so she found herself giving up Josiah's help and making her way up to her apartment. 

It feels intimate and intense. But why is that? It's just two friends. One lending the other a place to stay for the night.

With sexual tension.

And feelings-tension.

Yep, totally normal. 





"You sure you don't mind this?" Josiah winced a little looking at her, worried. 

What the hell were these people thinking?

Faith waved him off getting him a blanket and a puffy pillow. "O-Oh, i forgot to ask you if you preferred the bed over the couch? I can stay on the couch for tonight?"

Josiah chuckled taking the essentials from her hand.

"Maybe some other night."

Faith chocked on air. She did, really. She coughed hardly and Josiah went over to her side trying to calm her down, 

"Faith, relax i was only kidding," He was concerned but he was also trying his best to hold a laugh in.

She hit him on his shoulder and went to her room to change. 

"Asshole." She called out before shutting the door behind her. 

As she grabbed a pair of pants and a matching shirt, she took her shirt off ready to slide the other one on.

But she yelped. Because Josiah suddenly opened the door ,

"Hey, Red, where's the bathroo-,

Oh fuck."

He quickly put his hand over his eyes, the other gripping the door tightly. So tight his hand literally turned white. "Fuck, i'm sorry. Shit. Kay,i'm going to stop cursing now." 

But as he she held her breathe when he shut the door, she heard him whisper. 

"Holy shit."

She quickly continued flustered and uncomfortable. That didn't happen.

What didn't happen?

She took a deep breathe, tidying up her room a little bit and went out to see Josiah on the kitchen counter as he held his head between his hands. 

Faith's slippers revealed her presence as she cursed and went to fill a cup of water. "So, are you sleepy?" 

Yes, casual. Good.

Casual is good. 

Josiah shook his head, "Not really. Wanna do something?"

"Like what?"

They both looked like idiots trying to come up with something to do late at night.

"We could play a board game."

Faith was now next to him pondering what he just said. "Do you have any?" Josiah asked. 

"Yeah, sure. Wait, i think the only one i have is Monopoly, and that goes on forever, "

"I can do forever." 


"Kinda hate this game." Faith slumped against the couch as she looked over to Josiah looking all smug and cocky. He literally has almost everything bought and she clutched her 2 cards like they were her lifeline,

Josiah laughed at her, "You hate it because you suck at it,"

Faith threw her cards at him, tipping over the board completely with all the houses flying on the carpet.

"You did not just do that,"

Josiah voice was shocked and low. Almost like he was actually mad, when Faith knew he wasn't.

Faith got up, as if she did nothing and shrugged. "You want something to ea-"

Before she could even finish that sentence, he grabbed her by the ankle pushing her down and started tickling the hell out of her. 

And then she started wailing and crying.

"Josiah! You know my ankle is still sensitive what are you thinking?!"

And Josiah started freaking out waving his hands around and stumbling upon an apology, "O-Oh I'm sorry, It slipped my mind. Are you okay? Do I need to take you back to the hospital? Fucking idiot." It was cute. Him getting nervous when all other people see is this indifferent guy who's personality trait is to ignore those around him and mope.

But Faith feared the poor guy would have a heart attack so she smiled her little smile and he wanted to shout out in frustration. 

But his overwhelming fear that he might've hurt Faith consumed him rather than his anger that she was mocking him and faking it. So, he found himself raising up her foot and placing a very gentle kiss on the top of her ankle leaving her breathless, soundless, and speechless.

"I'm going to get you back for this, just you wait."

"I-I uhm, I think you just did."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2020 ⏰

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