"Yoongi, the omega in front of us, as I have said, in the same blood line that we were finding for decades and the key to the power. The war was about to start soon, we all knew that and anyone who will land their hands on Yoongi will be powerful, amongst us all. We can't deny that we are also having the same thoughts, same thoughts that each of us is desperate for a piece of him or a single blood drop from him but he isn't a thing. He is a human being and breathing. One of us to be exactly. We protect our own so now, I want you, young highness to protect your own blood mate at all costs, especially to demons. I will send forth the two, Knight Taehyung and Kai to always watch upon you. Your privacy won't be at risk for they will distance theirselves in a certain meters. Each one of us should be ready for this war. Deploy all the troops and knock on every door for we will train every single strong wolf in our borders. This is a command and should be immediately effective"..
Everyone in the room scrambled in their feet, running fast to their respective posts and duties after the speech was delivered. Soon the place was full of marching feet and loud crowd the silent ones turned into busy ones. The war was about to start they must keep this secret at all costs. Later on the high wolf turned into Yoongi and Jimin who was still there silent and unmoving. He caught Jimin's attention as he moved forward before placing his hands on the alpha's shoulder.

"Young highness, Jimin. You know where to go, take care of him, for he is more precious than a rare diamond. Now go"


The scent of freshly cutted grass filled the omega's sense of smell which caused him to relax and breath deeply. He was staring at the full bloomed flowers in each different colors forbidding himself to pluck them out of their stems as a respect for the nature. The sound of wind calms him down after the revelation of the truth. The small giggles of children makes him more happy but also brought him guilt, longingness and sadness to which he ignored as he roamed the area more. Sitting beside a tree he leaned his head as he close his feline like eyes as he enjoyed the nature more. He was beyond happy to be here. To be with the nature for it has been a long time since he got out of the cave. He felt so free, so safe as he knew he was in the safest place of his own kind. He pushed all those negative thoughts and brought himself into new positive ones. He felt like he was one with the nature, a simple leaf who goes where the wind whispers, so fleeting and so light. So light that he can't help but to forget all his burdens, all his heartaches for the last months, last years. A solitude he wished to be free with but now a solitude he really enjoys and happy to be with. Breathing keeps his heart fine, and beating normal but still beating for his Jimin. Oh Jimin, his name so sweet as he rolled on his tounge. The thought of the young male make his cheeks go red and feels like he is walking on a cloud. He was like a rainbow in a sunshine that gives his dark life a color. A very colorful hue that completes him. He was in love, so in love that he was ready to give him the best of himself. To offer his body, heart, mind and soul.

He was in love the drowning himself in the deepest ocean was okay, that gliding within the clouds without a back-up parachute is okay but its his definition of love. He can do all impossible things to prove his love for the alpha but he don't know if he will accept any of those. And besides, as much as he wanted to be mated with Jimin, he will not approve, and he will not do anything to harm Jimin. As they mate, their fate will attach and be tied forever. He knows he will not live longer than he wants to, he don't want pull Jimin beside his grave. He will not and besides, Jimin will not be mated to him that was just an imagination, a sweet overthinking only to be heard by his delusional self.

His thoughts was interrupted as a loud crashing of branch startled and almost hit him. Blinking his eyes, a blurred familiar image appeared in front of his. It was smiling brightly at him when his sight cleared. It was Taehyun, upside down. Contorting his eyebrows he stared at him at confusion before staring above and saw his limbs was tangled on a branch while also, up there, sat Kai and a new youngster. His frame was thin almost the same as him but he doesn't look like sick or something. About to stand up, he lost his balance as he felt a sickening pain in his ankles. It was swollen red and looks really painful. He grunted in pain and pushed himself up for the three not to notice anything. The young ones rushing to him which reminds him of the twins and the rest of the boys. Surely, they will scold him again if they are here.

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