Chapter 15 : Back to The Point

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Dedicated to Clara aka fangirlwithflowers94 because she's my second fangirl soul sister after Tay. 

Chapter 15 : Back to The Point

The next morning I wake up a little over after noon and the view from my window was beautiful; everything was covered in a white blanket. It was about time it started to snow, Christmas was around corner. The entire house was silent. I was surprised; I was half expecting Mom to be playing catching with her friends in the hallways. Seems like something they would do after not seeing each other for over 2 decades. Nope, complete and utter silence, it was sort of unnerving. I guess everyone must have been very exhausted from last night. I walk up to the spare rooms and sure enough, in the biggest spare room, Mom and her friends are sprawled over the floor in a nest of blankets. Figures, they must have had a sleepover of some sort. I tiptoe quietly back out to the kitchen. I get myself some breakfast and head to the Telly Room.

Once in the Telly Room, I faced with the Smith siblings sprawled over the cushioned seats. I shake them in attempt to wake them up. Thomas gets up first, naturally. He stretches out his arms before he spots me. He then pulls me into a hug.

“Morning beautiful.”

“Aren’t you cheesy? My hair is extra unruly today.” I protest, sticking my tongue out at him.

“Stop flirting, it’s gross.” Bianca whines from where she was, in a half asleep state.

“Hush sis, I never complain when Blake and you get mushy, do I?”

“But I never do it in front of you!” All the whining from both sides was enough to wake Henry up. He looks at me sleepily and confused,

“Huh? What’s going on?” I chuckle lightly before guiding Henry to my room to get himself freshened up, leaving the other two to continue bantering.


A little after mid-afternoon, everyone starts waking up and coming down to the living room. Mom rounds up everyone and we’re all seated at the dining table. Breakfast is served to us even though I had cereal earlier. This was proper breakfast though, proper good ole English breakfast.

“Ah, Breakfast for Lunch! Brilliant first day. I’m so excited to have you guys over.”

“Don’t overkill it, Sky…”

“Don’t be a killjoy, Jayme Dray.” Mom counters, mimicking his tone for extra effect. Jayme huffs and eats his Breakfast for Lunch in silence.

For the rest of the meal, we all make small talk with each other but I’m more interested in Mom and her friends, they were just really intriguing. That and they also bring out the best side of Mom, it’s amazing.

“So how is everyone?”

Punk: We all got married that’s for sure.

Rain: Nope, still young and eligible.

Jayme: Woman, you’re 47. That’s not exactly young.

Rain: At least I’m not tied down and grumpy, mister.

Kris, cuts in : Well, I’m fine. I’ve got two lovely kids back at home. They are crazy about your books, Sky. They won’t believe that I used to be best friends with the legendary Skylar Carson. 

Mom is blushing really hard now : Aw come on, you guys are like so much better writers than me. Punk published her book before I did.

Punk : Nowhere nearly as popular as yours has gotten.

Always Be Together (NaNoWriMo 2014)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt