Chapter 8 : Family Reunion

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Dedicated to Danny. Thank you for showing me even the closest and best friend can leave you hanging high and dry when you least expect it. Thank you for showing me that no matter how much faith you have in a person doesn't matter once they're gone because they are never going to come back. Let me  quote the great Fall Out Boy now when I say "Thanks for the memories, even though they weren't so great."

Chapter 8 : Family Reunion

The first week of Christmas break flew faster than I could say Christmas. Soon enough Christmas was knocking at my door. I think holidays like Christmas are the only times my family is ever pleasant. The small flat is decorated nicely if I say so myself. I got the tree while my father got the decorations and within a day we cleaned up the house nicely. Father wasn’t around for Christmas because he’s always working, I’m pretty sure my Mother was out with her friends and my brothers were spending their Christmas over at friends so I was the only one at home. Spending Christmas all alone; that’s the dream isn’t it. On the bright side, I’ve got the house all to myself and they were showing Christmas specials on the telly so I’m definitely not complaining.

So there I was, all snuggled up in my warm blankets and my Christmas beanie watching old reruns of the Doctor Who Christmas Specials when there was a knock on the door. I was so annoyed that they were interrupting me time and making me get off the couch, I stood up storming over to the door and yelling,

“I don’t want anything you’re sell- Oh hullo.” I swung the door open to reveal a fairly attractive girl around my age or slightly older. She was rather outrageously dressed with a huge pink coat glittering and heavy make-up. She looked like just walked right out of a runway yet she looked familiar too. She held out her hand for me to shake,

“Dyana Stauss. Are you Skylar Carson?” I shake her hand and offered a small smile even she intimidated me a little.

“Yeah I’m Skylar. Dyana Stauss…you’re Dylan’s sister!” I half yelled. Becoming conscious of my own voice, I lowered my voice.

“Did Dylan sent you? That’s quite low but it’s not as worse as what I did to him.” I sigh sadly, remembering the incident two weeks earlier. I ran off from his house and ran all the way home, drenched in rain. When I woke up the next day, my Mother had screamed at me for blowing him off. She acted like I was the key to her getting rich. It felt like I was living in the Austen books; Mother selling her daughter off to a rich suitor in order to be wealthy.

“No, he didn’t send me. I came all on my own. He’s been miserable. I come back home for holidays and I see my baby brother who is usually full of light and hope moping around the house. Not a usual sight. He doesn’t even want to talk to me and you know Dylan, once he takes a liking to someone, he’ll open up so wide it puts most people off. Not you though, he’s mentioned you in letters. You’re the only one who didn’t run because of his openness, so what was it?” She looked rather upset that Dylan was being moody. Even I felt upset, and guilty because I was the cause. I could see she was shivering ever so slightly, so I opened the door wider,


“Would like to come in and have a cuppa? We can then talk about it over tea or coffee whichever you prefer.” I invited her in, like a nice proper human being. I was being nice; so I shouldn’t be feeling so bad about myself. If Dylan’s being moping, I don’t know what you’d call what I’ve been doing the last two weeks. I was a total nightmare.

“I’d like that very much.” She lets herself in and takes her coat off. She sits comfortably on the couch. I disliked her already; anyone able to make him or herself at home immediately were usually shady people. At least in my book they are. I made my way to the kitchen to make the drinks.

Always Be Together (NaNoWriMo 2014)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora