Chapter 12 : Camping, Camping and More Camping

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  • Dedicated to Sebastian Carson

Dedicating this to my brother, Sebastian (pseudo/his English name because he would kill me if I released his birth name into the world.) because he is finally growing up and maturing, and I'm so proud of that sucker.

Chapter 12 : Camping, Camping and More Camping

It took a while for the weekend to come but Thomas’ bedroom eyes, Henry’s grinning face peering through comic books and Bianca’s cheeky looks here and there kept me going throughout the week. Finally the weekend rolled around.

Blake and I had packed early and we told our parents that we were going to the campsite earlier to meet a couple of schoolmates because they were spending the weekend there too. I was quite surprised when Mom didn’t at all question who they were. Frankly I think she was too excited about camping again and about having you-know-what with Dad in the tent. Barf. 

So Blake and I drove the Impala to Kansas campsite. The campsite wasn’t actually in Kansas, it was just the stupid name. When we got there we called the Smiths. Blake obviously called Bianca and I tried both Thomas and Henry. Soon enough we found their cabin and thank the Gods, ours was right next to theirs. This just made the plan even easier. We exchanged hugs, typically. Blake held on to Bianca a little longer and I with Thomas, then I noticed Henry awkwardly standing there so I decided to pull him into the hug as well. Thomas didn’t take to kindly of this. I can’t believe he was jealous of his brother who was like a brother to me. Thomas decided to be a little shit and pushed his brother away from us.

“Thomas!” I say, half laughing half trying to be angry with him. 

“What?” He says innocently. 

“That wasn’t very nice. Come here, Henry.” I walk away with Henry to tease Thomas.  I hear Thomas whining to Bianca as Henry and I walk further away from the group.

“Random question, Elle. Are you and Thomas together now?”

“Um…sorta I guess. I mean we’re going to wait until graduation because he’s still my teacher even though he doesn’t teach me anymore.”

“Oh..” I detected some disappointment from him. God, I hope he didn’t have a crush on me before.

“Henry, you alright?” I ask worriedly. He nodded absentmindedly,

“Not really. I hate to say it but I used to have a massive crush on you until Thomas made it clear that you two were a thing. I’m trying to get over you but if my brother keeps rubbing it in my face, I don’t know what I’m going to do. Also I feel like Thomas is taking you away from me, I mean that in the most platonic sense.” I wanted to ‘AWW’ at the fact that Henry cared so much but I didn’t want to come off in the wrong way. 

“Henry, I’m sorry you feel like Thomas is taking away me away from you. I’ll tell him to back off okay. Now do you want to go swimming?” I gesture to the rope attached to the tree, I shall call it the Tarzan Rope.

It was basically used to swing into the lake. Henry looked a bit green but I urged him on anyways. I climbed the rope first and swung to the maximum momentum and let go, somewhat catapulting into the lake. The water felt cold yet refreshing. I surfaced up and waved at Henry to come in. He didn’t use the Tarzan Rope but he jumped right into the water. Seconds later, he surfaced up and swam towards me.

 “This is actually one of your best ideas, Elle.” I hit him on the shoulder lightly,

“HEY! All my ideas are great.” He scoffed lightly before swimming away from me.

“Come here, you asshat!” I laugh, swimming after him. I think we spent an hour playing in the water before Blake, Bianca and Thomas found us.

“Guys! Get out of there! The parents are here…at least we saw their cars.” Blake yelled. We were laying peacefully in the water when he yelled and he disturbed my half-asleep state. I jolted right up and turned to glare at Blake. I was having such a great time but that asshat just had to ruin it. Technically our parents ruined it. Sighing in distress, I get Henry and we both reluctantly drag ourselves out of the lake. Immediately I’m overcome with chills and start shivering. Thomas notices and of course, he whips out a towel and wraps it around me. I turn to look at Blake and Bianca. Of course no one brought a towel for Henry.

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