Chapter 16 : Getting Ready for Christmas

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Dedicated to Snow. I have barely known her but she's a great pal and she's the one who led my best friends and I to each other. Thanks Snow. (This is a Christmas chapter, goes so well with your nickname)

Chapter 16 : Getting Ready for Christmas

“Alright, dig! Come on you asshats! DIG!” Punk instructs us so that we could get through the snow.

“So that’s where Mom gets that insult from…” I think out loud.

“Nope, we all got it from her. She started the ‘asshat’ thing.” Kris says. I think it took us an hour before we finished plowing through the snow and finally got the gates. Yes our mansion was pretty old fashioned with gates and stairs leading up to the mansion itself. We figured Mom would be at the gates, as exhausted as us after the plowing but nope, she was nowhere in sight.

“Where could she have gone? How was she not exhausted after going through the snow?” They were all on the verge of throwing a fit.

“Does anyone have a cell on them? Maybe we can call her.” I suggested and we all rummaged through our pockets. Typically we all had our cells on us and Kris offered to call her. He dialed and waited. Then we heard it.


“Is that what I think it is?” Rain asked, recognizing the tune.

“Yep, that’s Mom’s ringtone.”

“So either that lunatic lost her bloody phone or is hiding somewhere here.” Ah, I was waiting for his snarky remark. So we all attempted to call out to her.

Me: “MOM!”

Punk: Oi, Sky!

Rain: Skylar? Where are you?

Jayme: Hey Loony!

Kris: Crumpet?

As if she heard Kris, she popped out from the snow.

“SURPRISE!” We all got a shock and fell back. Thankfully the snow broke our falls.

“Jesus, Mom don’t ever do that again!” I yell at her as I get up. She just gives me a sly look.

“Well I wanted to run after my parents to get information but they were long gone before I could get to them so I decided to wait for someone to come after me. I was half expecting Dylan really.”

"You really are loony."
"Didn't we establish that when we first met?"
"Point taken." I loved how easily Mom could shut Jayme up. I noticed everyone started shivering violently.

"Come on, let's get back before we all freeze to death." I say, leading the way up to the mansion. We reached the mansion faster than we left it. Partically because most of the snow was out of the way and everyone wanted to get warm.

We all reached the mansion safely without a single scratch on any of us. I ask Martin to prepare hot chocolate for the lot of us and get us extra blankets. Thank God we had enough bathrooms for all of us to take a shower all at once.

Once we were all showered and cleaned up, Mom and I came down in our warm, fluffy robes while Kris, Punk, Rain and Jayme were dressed warmly. When we reached the living room, the hot chocolate and blankets were ready. I caught ahold of Martin and thanked him again.

We were enjoying our hot chocolate and blankets when Dad barged in with Blake and the Smiths. All of them were carrying Christmas decorations of some sorts.

“Guess whose going to help us set them up?” Dad humored.

“Martin?” Mom joked. Dad gave a dry laugh before plopping a box full of ornaments on Mom’s lap. She groaned.

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