Chapter 10 : All of Hell Breaks Loose

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  • Dedicated to Books

Dedicated to Books (I have literally run out of people to dedicate this to) because they always had my back since I was 7.

Chapter 10 : All of Hell Breaks Loose

Mom opens and closes her mouth at them like a fish. The Smiths were as confused as my siblings. Well figures as much; my parents, Aunt Qis and I are the only ones along with Wes and Cassandra who knew that my parents and the Smiths have history. I quickly round up my siblings and the Smith kids, bringing them to the Telly Room away from the adults. Clearly they need to resolve a couple of things. 

“Elle, what’s going on?” Bianca asked, worry clear in her voice. I clear my throat, feeling anxious. I didn’t know how to explain the situation or if my parents even wanted me to tell them. So I put it in simple terms, black and white.

“Um…well our parents have history and it’s not a particularly good one.” It was good thing then that we were all of mature age because no one questioned it. Instead Blake decided to be a reckless teen,

“Well then, let’s all live up to the Carson middle names.” He says as he pulls a bottle of vodka from under one of the armchairs. I take it away from him and wiggle my finger at him.

“Nope we aren’t going to drink, dumbass. I don’t even want to know how you had that in there. Spying on our parents sounds like a better plan than drinking the night away.” I reprimand him like the typical Mother Hen. Thomas takes the bottles from me, sets it on the armchair and sends a wicked grin my way,

“You have a point, Van. Spying is a lot more fun than drinking will ever be.”

“No, I did not mean that!” I jab his chest. Just touching him, typically made my heart skipped a beat. I swear I need to get my hormones in check whenever I’m around him.

“Since when did you become all self-righteous and do-gooder?” Blake spat. What had his knickers in such a twist?

“Since I decided to respect Mom and Dad’s business. When are you going to do that, Blake? God, you’ll always be the irresponsible one aren’t you?” I snarled at him. I wasn’t exactly a big fan of his right now. This is was when he started to yell at me,

“I bet you’re bitching because I accidentally hit Henry earlier, am I not wrong?! And what’s up with you and the two brothers, I didn’t exactly peg you as a slut, sis.” I can’t believe he said that in front of guests. I walked dangerously towards him.

“Listen here, Blake Vodka Carson, if you want to pick a fight with me, let’s do it. JUST NOT IN FRONT OF THE SMITHS! So just shut the hell up!” I screamed in his face and walked off to my room.

On the way to my room, I hear bits and pieces of Mom’s conversation with Wes and Cassandra. I decided to hide behind the stairway and eavesdrop for a bit.

“I bet this was all your plan, Cassandra! You planted your kids to befriend mine and then they break my kids’ hearts like you and Wesley here did with me!” Mom spat her name out like it was a swear word.

“Are you kidding me? Why would I even do that?! I didn’t even know that you had kids!” Cassandra’s nasally accent was long gone, she sounded like a typical New Yorker.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean? You didn’t know that I had kids. I’m 45, what the hell did you expect?”

“Oh I don’t know, a couple of cats and crashing in on Qistina’s married life,” She gave Aunt Qis a look over, “I didn’t expect it to be the other way around.” This set Aunt Qis off. She was idly sitting on the couch before but now she stood up, stalking towards Cassandra with clenched fist. Dad stopped her before she could sink her fists in Cassandra’s face.

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