Chapter 4 : Skylar Carson, Life Before Fame

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Dedicated to Jayme, my honorary older brother. I remember the first time we met, we weren't exactly fond of each other, well it's been one and half years now and we've both come a long way.

Chapter 4 : Skylar Carson, Life Before Fame

We let Q drive, no questions asked. We all knew she was the calmest person during these kind of panicking situations. Q was the one to calm us all down for our drivers’ test. Let’s be honest, the Carson siblings were terrified of the mere thought of driving a metal contraption; we got the fear from Dad. Q was scared too but she could keep her emotions in check and kept all of us calm throughout the entire thing. You could throw my sister into a horror movie and she’d survive it without breaking a sweat. The only time Q ever freaks out is when her art supplies run out or when Dyl and Blake ruin her paintings. Other than that, my sister is the calmest and most encouraging person you’ll ever meet during panic situations.

She held my hand the entire drive to the hospital. I couldn’t stop hyperventilating, I mean this is our mother you’re talking about. As far as anyone was concerned I felt the most connected to her. We were so alike that we might as well be the same person, except that she’s older. Bottom line, I can’t afford to lose her, at especially at the peak of my years. The moment we reached the hospital, Q recklessly parked the car (mind you, my sister is never reckless about anything), we all exited the car faster than you could say Impala and made our way to Mom’s room. We ran down the hallway to get to Mom’s room but we soon stopped short when we saw Dad and Aunt Qis sitting outside the room, looking miserable. I can only imagine what they were going through. Dad loved Mom so much and Aunt Qis grew up with her, it must hurt to know she tried to kill herself.

The two of them looked up and their facial expressions said it all; they were relieved to see us. I walked over to Dad and practically collapsed on him. I grabbed a fistful of his shirt and cried my heart out against his chest until I was sure I made a prominent tear spot on his shirt. Dad, always being as helpful as ever, comforted me the entire time. Q had turned to the comfort of Aunt Qis. The boys were trying their hardest not to break down. Our comforting and sobbing fest was over almost as soon as it had started when two strangers I didn’t recognize rudely interrupted us. Dad seemed to recognize them since he stiffened at the sight of them, so did Aunt Qis. Dad stood there gaping at them while Aunt Qis walked towards to the lady and slapped her across the face.

“You have no right to be here, bitch. Same goes for you.” Aunt Qis growled at them. Whatever these two did to her must have been one hell of a disaster. I couldn’t help but stare at the couple. They seemed awfully familiar and really classy. They were even dressed up classy.

“Don’t talk to me like that, Darling. You might want to be careful.” Her voice was annoyingly nasally. So it made her ‘Darling’ sound like ‘DAH-ling’, which added to her annoying factor. Aunt Qis moved closer to her and whisper something fiercely. It was probably something really vulgar and was a threat because once Aunt Qis walked away her, the lady looked like she had seen a ghost. She tugged her partner by the arm,

“Wes, let’s get out of here, clearly we don’t belong.” She sneered at Aunt Qis and walked off. The Wes guy, however, decided to let go of the lady and stayed behind. He walked to Dad and offered his condolences.
“She’s not dead, is she now? So why the hell are you even offering condolences?” I stood up, bravely asking him. He raised his eyebrows at me and studied me. He turned to Dad,

“This is your daughter I assume, Dylan?” Dad nodded proudly,
“Yeah, my oldest, looks just like her mother, doesn’t she.” Wes muttered in agreement. He came closer to me and held out his hand for me to shake. I crossed my arms across my chest and looked at him expectantly. He let his hand fall to his side.

Always Be Together (NaNoWriMo 2014)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ