Chapter 2: Introducing The Carsons

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Dedicated to Punk for being the motivation I needed to buck up on my grades. You honestly set high expectations for me to hit. But really thanks for always being there even when everyone was too busy.

Chapter 2: Introducing The Carsons

"Ok, ok. Now get off, kiddos."
"Mom! We're 18!" we protested in perfect unison.  
"Not yet you're not." Mom teased us before continuing,

"Your father and I brought back gifts. Let's clear this up, these are achievement gifts and not guilt gifts." 

"Gifts? Achievement gifts?" Q enquired. I don't blame her, we rarely get gifts. I mean for rich kids, we rarely get gifts.  
"Yes Q, we got you gifts. They are useful. Moving on, Blake. Here's a new skateboard for winning the skateboard competition last summer. Q, here's the paint set you wanted so badly for getting straight As. Keep it up hunny. Junior, I got you an audition for a huge movie since you got the lead in A Midsummer Night's Dream. Last but certainly not least, Vanny; here's new laptop for writing a whole book. I want that published." she winked at me. I know it was going to be rude but the first thing I blurted out was,

"You went through my stuff?"

"You left your laptop open on the page. I felt like you wanted me to see It." she raised an eyebrow. She was right. I wanted her attention so I left it out in the open although I wasn't ready to show it to anyone.  

"Maybe I did...maybe I didn't. Mom, still you shouldn't have looked through my laptop." 
"Ok, I'm sorry. Geez."

"Where's Aunt Qistina?" Dad asked. We all looked confused. We completely forgot about her.

"Oh great. She's probably hibernating in the room. I'll go get her." Mom sighed. Aunt Qis is Mom's best friend. She was always there for Mom. Well from what I know, Mom had a rough life before she became The Mighty Skylar Carson, so Aunt Qis was there for her through it all.

Minutes later, Mom and Aunt Qis came down bantering away as usual.
"Qis, you seriously need a bath and fresh air."  
"Maybe later...right now I need my food and my Once Upon A Time marathon."  
"Nope, not until you bathe." 

"Stop treating me like a child!" she threw a fit but you could clearly hear the amusement in her voice. Mom decided to play along.  
"I will once you stop acting like one."
"Can we have a girl's night with Q and Vanny later?"  

"Sure. Now go bathe." This is why I love Aunt Qis and Mom. They are awesome best friends and they act just like us. I just wish I had a friendship like theirs. A social outcast like me can only wish.

"VANELLOPE!!"  my brother screamed in my ear.
"What the hell, Dyl?!" 
"Sorry. You blanked out there for a second." 

"Whatever. Its time for dinner though. Come on!" 


We all sat around the dining table and said grace. Afterwards we all started making small talk.  

"So Vanny, how's school?" everyone asked. 

"Fine.... don’t call me Vanny, it's Elle now. You guys gave me that nickname when I was 5!" 

"Geez sis. No need to get defensive." I glared at Blake. He just shot back a smirk. I stood up to punch him when my mother smacked him on the arm. 

"Ouch Mom!" 
"Skylar!" Both Dad and Blake yelled at the same time.

"What!" she asked rolling her eyes like a teenager. Yep, that's my mom doesn't take shit from guys even if its her son and husband. The best part, she acts like a teenager. 

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