Chapter 5 : Bianca and Henry and Thomas Smith

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  • Věnováno Vladimire

Dedicated to Valdimire, my NaNoWriMo Writing Buddy who has been there since NaNo Day 1 to help me to keep on task and for being such a good friend.

Chapter 5 : Bianca and Henry and Thomas Smith

My siblings and I got the next two days off school to be with Mom. Mom didn’t get to finish her story because my siblings were flocking around her but honestly I didn’t mind because I had started working on my new novel and this time I planned on plotting properly. It should be easy plotting since I plan on basing it off my life.  

After the two days, we had to go back to school and it was really awkward between me and everyone I had made friends with. Mr. Nolan seemed uncomfortable around me, Bianca and I still weren’t talking and I’m pretty sure Henry was the only one who was actually being nice to me ever since I got back.

“So how’s your mother? Is she better?” He asked as he sat with my siblings and I for lunch. Apparently Bianca and him got into a fight so I invited him to sit with us. I smiled at him, he was the only one who asked like she was suffering from a common cold while everyone looked at me like I had a suicidal mother.

“Yeah she’s better but the doctor suggested she should get a therapist, you should have seen how badly she verbally bashed the doctor until my father had to step in because I swear I saw the doctor tearing up; my mom was that scary.” I chuckled, remembering the event from yesterday. My mom swore so much, even sailors got nothing on her. Henry chuckled along with me. My siblings were being unusually quiet so I turned to look at them.

“Guys? What’s wrong?” I questioned. They all gave a collective sigh and stated their problems one at a time.

“Bianca isn’t talking to me. Fix it, Vanny!” Blake whined. I rolled my eyes at him obnoxiously. That was so typical that his biggest problem was not getting attention from the girl he fancies.

“I’m failing Math. Mr. Fitz threatened to call Mom and Dad if I don’t buck up. It’s not my fault that no one understands him! He sucks at teaching.” She got Mr. Fitz too, poor Q. She’s always got the straight As and now because of that horrid teacher, she’s going to fail. I nodded sympathetically at her. Then we all turned to Dyl. He let out a sigh,

“Don’t judge but I’m pretty sure I’m not straight.” The three of us burst into laughter. Henry and Dyl just looked at us confused. Before we could explain, I slapped Blake on the back and held out my hand,

“I won the bet, Blake. Pay up!” A few years ago, just when we turned 13, Blake and I figured that out of four kids, there is bound to be a queer one, I put my money on Dyl whilst Blake put his money on Q because it was bound to be those two rather than us. Have you seen Blake, he could be the poster child for a straight teen boy. While I on the other hand, pin over so many male fictional characters, it’s practically impossible for me to be queer. Dyl was a drama geek; it was bound to happen sooner or later. I’m not sure what Blake’s reasoning was for Q but I’m pretty sure it was her lack of interest in boys… or anyone for a fact.

Blake fished his wallet for the cash and passed me a 20 dollar bill,
“I’ll pass you the other 30 at home.” He groaned.

“Wait, you guys betted on me?” Dyl sounded offended.
“Not exactly…it was between you and Q. Which one of you was the queer sibling and I was right.” I announced proudly and threw Blake a smug smile. He shot me a dirty look.

“You guys are the worse!” Dyl half yelled at us. He seemed really upset. Before we could say anything, Q spoke up.
“Aw, come on Dyl. Don’t be so dramatic, I was the other candidate.” She tried making a joke out of it, then she turned to Blake and I, “As for my lack of interest in boys is because I had a crush on someone, it didn’t go too well.”
“I swear if it’s Tom Hiddleston’s son, I’m going to punch you.” Blake and Dyl said dryly at the same time. They shared a look before slapping high five. Q and I rolled our eyes at them before muttering under our breaths,

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