Chapter 11 : The Plan

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Dedicated to Ashley aka @sparkhal for being my writing soulmate. Met up with the lass today, she is one cool girl and you guys should definitely check out her NaNo project. One Drunken Night. (So turns I didn't run out of friends to dedicate this to. Well technically I made a new friend today just to dedicate this to)

Chapter 11 : The Plan

For the past three months, the Carson household was a mess. And I’m not talking about the chaotic kind; if we were being chaotic, that was a good thing but we were quite the opposite. We weren’t talking to one another. We were giving each other the cold shoulder. Especially to our parents. It’s been three months since Mom and Dad forbade us from seeing the Smiths. The worst part of all, Mom sent out bodyguards to make sure we wouldn’t so much talk to them. When I found out about it, that was when the cold shoulders started.

The original plan was to ignore our parents and the four of us would go on with life as per usual but for some reason, along the way our relationships with each other fell apart as well. Dyl and Q weren’t too affected by the split from the Smiths because those two weren’t as close to them as Blake and I was. Blake and I were the most affected the most. While I stayed up all night, mindlessly working on random projects that never made any sense and binge-ate, Blake didn’t eat much or get our of his room much and never really left the bed. It was getting worse by the day. He has even started skipping alternate days of school. I was more worried about him than I was about my lack of sleep.

I was also right about the classroom situation, since it was second term; she made the school change my entire timetable so that I couldn’t even so much see them at all. It was a horrible three months. One month to go and it will be summer; I’m still waiting around for the Smiths to act on their plan because Blake and I were miserable. It was until the following Monday, when I got the sign.


It was a typical miserable Monday, as it has been the past three months. I was getting ready for my first class when something dropped from my locker. I bent down to pick it up. It was a note, assuming it was from the Smiths; I turned to scan my surroundings, making sure no one was watching me. I slowly opened it and read through it.

 “Bianca: Hey Elle! Okay so I know we took three months but we finally have a solid plan to convince our parents to let us hang out again. Grab my boyfriend and meet us at the Ice Cream place around the corner after school! I miss you tons!”

Henry: Hey Ellie! I miss you too; I really hope you show up. Then we can make fun of Blake and Bianca sucking faces.

Thomas: I love you.” I wanted to laugh at Henry, if only he knew what went down when I last saw Thomas. My heart literally melted at Thomas’ message. Simple and three words long yet it made me grin like the Cheshire Cat. I tucked the note deep into my jean pocket before skipping happily to class.

During lunch period, it was usually quiet between us but today was not that day. I carefully slid the note to Blake. He read through it and wrinkled his nose in disgust at the end. Shit…I should have torn out Henry and Thomas’ bits.

“You and Mr. Nolan are doing it now? Ew sis!” I punch his shoulder.

“Shut up, Blake! We’re not doing anything! If you haven’t noticed, Mother has made that so.”

“So… if we were still allowed to see the Smiths, you’d be doing the frickle-frackle with Mr. Nolan?” Blake was more disgusted than ever. It’s his fault was just jumping to conclusions. I send him my death glare.

“One, that’s none of your business and two you can call him Thomas, he’s practically family. Don’t give me that look, he’s Bianca’s brother. So will do me the honor of accompanying to the ice cream place, brother dearest?” I say in an exaggerated old English accent.

Always Be Together (NaNoWriMo 2014)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora