Broken Pieces

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"Do you have spare sheets?" I asked as I plated dinner.

"Yes. Bathroom closet."

"Dinners ready." I sat the plates on his island bar and sat the tea with it.

We passed each other as I walked into the living room with a trash bag. I snuck a look as we did. His eyes seemed so hollow. He had no emotion whatsoever. Is this what I look like to others? Did I do this to him? I laughed at the thought. No. Why would he be like this because of me? I shook my head, dispersing the thoughts. I cleaned his table off of the bottles and ramen cups. This bag joined the other on his balcony, and I settled in my seat across from the disheveled man. He waited for me. His food was untouched.

"You didn't have to wait for me." I began eating, and he followed.

"You bought and cooked it." He already sounded better.

I reminded silent, unsure of what to say. What do you say? I've avoided him for almost four months now. I live next door to him, and I haven't seen him. His name was murmured in passing with Tenzo, but I'd brush him off. What was it, he said? "He seems depressed." Maybe he was right.

"I'm surprised you're not on a mission."

"Ibiki gave me time off."

"Are you hurt?" His head snapped up, eyes scanning me. His eyes lingered at my tattoo on my left side. I shifted under his gaze.


I gathered my dishes and sat them in the sink full of water to soak.

"I'll wash them." He said, standing.

"No, you're showering."

I took his dishes and added them to the sink. I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the bathroom. I turned on his shower and faced him.

"Can you manage?" It was a half tease, but I was questioning his ability to shower alone as well.

"Didn't get enough of me?"

Actually, seeing his smirk versus just hearing it. No, no, I didn't get enough. "Asshole."

I searched his bathroom closet and pulled out the sheets he said were there. I left him standing there alone in billowing steam. I made his bed quickly and tidied his room. His few pictures littered his desk. I sat them upright, the last one catching my eye. It was me. When did... Jirayia. I must've been 20-21. This was when Naruto and Jirayia had set out to find Tsunade. The picture was of Naruto and me, laughing at Naruto embarrassing Jirayia by calling him 'pervy sage' in front of a cute waitress. I was happy. I sat the picture down and continued cleaning.

I moved to the foot of his bed to pick up a few papers that had fallen from his desk. They were my sketches. The one of him at the KIA stone seemed smudged in places, as though it had gotten wet. He... cried. My heart ached suddenly. No. He did this to himself. I stacked the papers on the desk and moved on.

I washed the sheets and gathered everything. I slid open his balcony door, and I was greeted with harsh cold wind. Winter was here. I had to hang these clothes, though. I shivered as the air hit my exposed skin. I wasn't expecting to do this, so I wasn't dressed for staying outside like this. I had almost everything hung before I heard feet padding out to me.

A hand brushed my exposed left side, my arms above my head. He pushed my already short shirt up higher, giving him a better view of the tattoo in the moonlight.

"A Phoenix." He whispered.

I stepped away from him, continuing my job. "Minato told me a fable about a Phoenix. He always told me that I would be like the Phoenix. It felt fitting."

Mysterious Kunoichi (Part 1 of 2 in the MK Series)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt