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"Taylor, we need to go," Tony beckoned again.

"Just... a few more minutes," Taylor pleaded, holding Steve's hand. "I'll be right out, just go to the car..."

Tony sighed. "If you're not out in 5 minutes, I'm coming back in."

Taylor sighed as he walked away and put her forehead to Steve's hand. "Cmon, Steve... you have to wake up. Two weeks in a coma is enough, right?"

Taylor glanced up at him, hoping to see him looking at her. But he didnt budge from where he lay with his eyes shut, a tube in his mouth to keep him breathing. He'd nearly died 2 times since he was admitted. But throughout the last week, he'd been stable. He just wouldn't wake up.

Taylor fought the tears. Not today. She was too busy, going back to work. "Please wake up," she whispered before kissing his hand and leaving quietly. She didn't turn around on the way out like she'd done the first couple times leaving him. She just walked out, focusing on keeping her head up.


The day passed in a blur. Taylor sat at her desk in a fog. She hadn't been in this building for half a month now. Ir was almost as if everything were back to normal... almost.

"Hey, can you input these files in the database?" Ziva asked Taylor as she placed a box of files on the floor beside her. "They've been sitting in the cabinets since before even I was here."

"Sure," taylor said plainly. "What's in them?"

"Umm, I'm not sure. Its probably a mix of cold case files and the reports that were just dead ends. But they're probably from 30 years ago."

Taylor sighed and opened the box, grabbing the first file and opening the database. McGee walked in, carrying his leftovers from lunch.

"By the way, I meant to ask this morning. How is Steve?" McGee stopped in front of Taylor's desk.

Taylor shrugged her shoulders. "Same as he's been for a week now... just lying there... sleeping."

"I'm sorry," McGee offered a sympathetic look.

Taylor shrugged again and continued with her work. It was easier to pretend to be completely emotionless than to let everyone in. She opened a file and prepared to input it into the computer.

She glanced at the story for the file. 26 years ago, a marine and his fiancée were stopping at a gas station. When the marine went to pay inside, a driver slammed into the marine, killing him instantly.

Taylor swallowed hard. That poor woman who had to watch her fiancé be killed. At least her fiancé was still alive.

Taylor swiped at the tears starting to build in her eyes. The movement attracted attention of her mother across the way.

To avoid further embarrassment, taylor got up, taking the file with her, and left the room. She headed down the hall to the breakroom, but stopped in the hallway before reaching it.

Taylor opened the file again, sinking to the floor. She looked at a picture of the pretty blonde woman. Age 27. Not much older than Taylor herself.

Reading further into the details, taylor found herself connecting with this 27 year old woman who'd been engaged to the marine for 8 months, to be married the following month. This woman who hadn't expected anything other than going on a roadtrip to visit her soon-to-be in-laws, and instead ended up with losing her mate.

Taylor didn't even realize she was clinging to the file until her mother came after her. "What are you looking at?"

Ziva sat beside Taylor on the floor with a bit of a grunt. Even the most agile of agents was becoming victim to age.

Taylor almost scoffed at the start of her own tears. "It's just this file. From so long ago... I mean," she handed her mother the file, "that could've been me in that situation."

Ziva quickly glanced over the file. She sighed. "But it wasn't, Taylor."

"I know that," Taylor sniffed, wiping the few tears threatening her makeup. "But like, I can hardly handle Steve being in a coma. When this stuff happens every day! People lose their loved ones all the time, and mine is still alive. Why can't I just be happy about at least that?"

"It is not your choice on what happens to you. You also do not get to decide what you can handle. Some people are built to handle deep, DEEP pain. And some people are not. We all have different abilities, and I believe you could not have handled Steve dying. But this young lady could. You have overcome so much, Taylor. You have proven your strength. There is no need to compare... you are amazing... and I'm not just saying that because you're my daughter."

Taylor sniffed, with a small smile. "When did you get so wise, mom??"

Ziva smirked. "I have no idea what you are talking about." Ziva knelt up and kissed Taylor's head. She handed back the file and went back to her work, leaving Taylor to contemplate her Advice.


Sorry for the lengthy break. But school is school ;)

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Happy Reading!!!
~Abi <3

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