Kinda Sexy

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Taylor 'humphed' and scanned her room suspiciously. She set aside this Sunday specifically to change up her room, but she didn't plan how.

Ashley skipped into Taylor's bedroom. "Hey, sis, do you want some-- what are you doing???"

"I don't KNOW anymore." Taylor folded her arms. "I want to change something. But I dunno what."


"Nah. Too much effort."

Ashley rolled her eyes. "What about one of those frilly comforters you like?"

Taylor sighed. "No! Too much WORK."

"Oh! How about one of those cool spinny spy chairs! Then you'll be a real agent!"

Taylor smirked. "Yeah. I like that!"


Taylor danced through the aisles in the local office supply store. She looked at papers and folders and desk lamps and everything. She strolled to the desk chairs and meandered down the aisle. She ran her fingers across the boxes while looking at displays until she heard her own name.

"Taylor?? Is that you???" A man called from the end of the aisle.

Taylor swiveled towards the voice and glanced at the man. His hair curled upward into a poof, and his biceps pushed at his sleeves begging to be free. She had no clue who this was, but he knew her.

"Umm... do I know you?" She glanced back to make sure people were nearby in case things went wrong.

He met her in the aisle. "It's me, Marcus."

Taylor hesitated. "... Marc!? Like, ex-boyfriend Marc???"

Marcus laughed a little. "Haha, I go by Marcus now, but yeah. I thought you went away to college?"

"I'm back for the summer, but... how did you know?"

"Well, I still follow you on social media and all," he admitted. After a few moments of silence, he added, "I'm doing pretty well now. I work at an insurance company down the road. But I do my own side routine to keep up my gorgeous physique." He ended with a wink.

Taylor giggled a little. "Wow, you do seem to be doing well."

"And you? How are you doing, Miss DiNozzo? Or is it a soon to be Mrs. yet??"

Taylor laughed more. "No, gosh no. I'm trying to become a federal agent. I saw my parents help so many people, and I want to do the same. So I'm interning at NCIS."

"Sweet. That's really amazing." Marc stepped forward and patted Taylor's arm a little. "Hey, so, are you doing anything tonight? We should get together and catch up for real."

"Ah, I'm actually going to a really nice restaurant tonight. It's called Ahava. Have you heard of it?"

"Yeah, the one that just opened? I haven't been. I'll have to try it sometime." He stepped a little closer.

"Well, I'll be there tonight. I'll let you know how it is. I'll see you later, Marcus." Taylor walked further down to pick out her chair. While Marcus watched her walk from behind.


"There we go!" Taylor sighed as she stepped back to look at her work. She'd just finished putting together the chair she chose.

"I like it!" Ashley plopped down and spun in it. "Now you're ready to go hunt bad guys and kill people!"

Taylor's heart caught for a moment. Her mind took her back to the moment where the Commander jumped from that tall building. How Taylor was just barely too short from reaching her.

A Tiva Story Sequel {REINSTATED}Where stories live. Discover now