Find Me

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The first week of Taylor's interning passed too slowly for her. No cases meant boring desk work.

Taylor poked at her breakfast this morning. "I hope we have a case today. I want to try working an actual case."

"In order for that to happen," ziva replied, "a navy worker has to be hurt or killed. So... let's hope not?"

Taylor sighed. "I know... it's just so boring!"

Tony chuckled. "Don't worry. You'll get a case soon enough. and I'm sure you'll be great."


As it turned out, that day was Taylor's lucky day. Tony got a call around 8:30 that a recovering commander was on the edge of a building, considering suicide. She refused to talk to anyone and threatened jumping when they'd tried to reach her.

Within 20 minutes, Taylor was at her first scene. She followed her parents up to the tenth floor of the building.

Commander Kathryn Stone was injured on her last mission and, while suffering from PTSD, she became highly depressed and found herself in this predicament.

Tony walked to the closest window to her while people below were setting up a cushioning for in case the commander jumped.

"Kathryn!" Tony called out.

The frightened commander quickly looked over at Tony. She was probably about three feet away from him.

"Go away! Leave me alone!" Kathryn screeched.

"Please, we just want to help. We want to talk to you." Tony tried to soothe her.

"No! I don't want to live like this! I can't keep going!" Kathryn sobbed.

"Please just wait for me," Tony said as he ducked back into the room. He looked at ziva, with concern in his eyes. "I don't know..."

Taylor, eager to save someone, jumped into action. "Can I try?"

Ziva looked at her daughter and shook her head. "No, this is your first case. You shouldn't jump right into action."

"Well, what else am I supposed to do as an agent?? I can do this. I've helped friends like this before. I can help her."

Tony made eye contact with Ziva, held a silent conversation, and then turned back to Taylor. "Alright. But first, here's what you'll need to do."


Taylor tried to calm her racing heart as she leaned out of the window. "Hi there."

Kathryn's head swiveled to look Taylor in the eyes.

Taylor shivered at the connection. "My name is Taylor. What's your name?"

"You already know that!" Kathryn sneered.

"I know... but I was hoping to hear it from you. "

Kathryn looked at Taylor again, perplexed. "It's... Kathryn..."

Taylor nodded. The people on the ground caught her eye. They were still trying to get out a cushioning.

Kathryn looked down to what Taylor was looking at. Suddenly she became severely agitated, breathing heavily and crying. "This is it!"

"No, Please, just stay and talk to me for a minute. I want to know more about you!" Taylor pleaded.

Kathryn shook her head. "I lived my whole life serving others! It's time for me to do something for myself!"

Taylor reached out as Kathryn stepped off the ledge. Taylor shrieked when she realized she was inches away. She tried to crawl further out the window, but Tony grabbed Taylor to stop her from falling to the same fate.

Taylor lay halfway out the window, watching the event unfold. Kathryn hit the cushioning that had just gone up in time.

McGee, who had been helping at the ground, saw Kathryn's head snap back and knew it was bad. When the paramedics grabbed Kathryn, she was limp. They rushed her into the ambulance and took her away.

Tony pulled Taylor fully inside. Taylor's face revealed shock and terror.

"She jumped..." was all that Taylor could get out of her mouth. Tony nodded to Ziva, who came and put her arm around Taylor and lead her out of the room.


"Taylor," Ziva pleaded when they walked in the door that night, "Just listen."

Taylor went straight to her room. She hadn't said a word since the events from the morning. Kathryn survived the initial fall, but she died from her injuries later.

Tony grabbed Ziva's arm to stop her from following. His voice was soft as he suggested, "Why don't we just leave her alone for now?"

Ziva nodded, but her heart hurt for her daughter.

"What happened?" Ashley asked as she came around the corner. She sensed something was up. After Tony and Ziva told a shortened story of what happened, they made a quick dinner.

Ziva brought in a plate to Taylor. Taylor lay on her bed, staring at a spot  on her wall.

"I brought some dinner," Ziva said as she sat at the foot of Taylor's bed.

"Not. Hungry." Taylor forced.

"Okay... do you wanna talk?"


"Is there anything I can do to help you?" Ziva leaned forward to try to get Taylor to look at her.


"Alright then... you know where to Find Me, okay?" Ziva patted her leg. "I love you."


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