Thank You

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Taylor's doubts spun around her head at a rapid pace; all the while, Steve knelt, waiting for an answer.

"What do you say?"

Taylor's hands slowly fell from her open mouth. "I..." a tear slipped out of her eyes. "I don't know why I'm crying."

Steve, still quite nauseous from nerves, stood and walked closer to Taylor, putting an arm on hers. "I'd... love to think they're happy tears? You do seem to do that..."

Taylor nodded, still staring at Steve. She, ever so softly, whispered, "I love you, but I am terrified..."

Steve laughed a little in relief that she wasn't offended. "Well, I'd hope you wouldn't know all about being married if you haven't even been married yet... Taylor, I'm scared, too. But I've come to realize that the only things really worth doing in life are scary at first, too. And I love you above anything else... and I always want to come home to you, as my wife. Every day of the rest of my life."

Taylor closed her eyes to block the tears.

"So what do you say???"

She looked up at Steve with her watery eyes, "Yes! Of course!"

Steve smiled excitedly. He kissed her with the full force of his excitement and joy and gently pulled the ring out of the box and slipped it on her finger.

Taylor looked at it for less than a second before looking back to Steve. "I love you so much..."

She hugged him tightly. He hugged back and whispered to himself, "Thank You for not saying no."


Short and Sweet!

.........Just like life ;>
(just a bit of a hint for the next part :P)

Happy Reading! (Dont forget to comment!!!)

~Abi <3

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