Jesus Walks Pt. 2

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Vicki's POV

Vince walks back and forth in my kitchen with his hand on his chin  running through his curls. He does this for about 4 minutes until he finally stops and looks at me. Something he hasn't done since I told him what I told him just minutes ago.

"So you got high with Jada and Sarah, Sarah as in the Sarah you told me you didn't like?" He asks crossing his arms. I do hate when he's mad, but damn he looks good with a scold especially with his hair not all nappy.

"That's what I said," I say and we stare into each other's eyes for a moment. I never should've told him, I know he likes making things a bigger deal than they really are.

"But we made a pact not to do drugs," Vince says sounding like he's some kind of child. I think he actually stomped his foot when saying those words.

I didn't even feel any type of way towards him until now and I cross my arms letting him know shit is not about to be ok. "Actually you made a pact and I just nodded," I clarify. He's referring to some pact we made in 8th grade when weren't a couple and just best friends who got scared as fuck after learning about the dangers of drugs.

Vince scrunches up his face, "But you were so convincing, and after that agreed drugs are bad."

I nod. "I did say that, but that was when we're 13 Vince 5 years ago. We're adults now, and if I'm going to do drugs I'm going to do drugs and I don't need your ass controlling me."

Vince's voice gets all high. "Me? Controlling, how am I controlling?" This guy is really about to make me pull  out a whole 400 page book of everything I've gathered since we got together at the beginning of this year.

I tap my bare foot against the floor tiles. "Hmm let's see, when you spend the night, what do we have to have for dinner, oh right, healthy protein food to fuel you up." I deepen my voice to prove my point.

Vince runs his hands through his curls again. "No, No, No," He shouts and I roll my eyes all the way back. "We ate Chinese food a bunch of times cause you wanted to, and and," he stops as he struggles to find another reason which I know is gonna be hard for him.

"And what?"

Vince stutters some more and finally comes up with an answer. "I got you eggs!" he yells.

"One those eggs were salty as hell, and two this ain't about food, it's about you controlling me all the damn time." At that he's silent and he stays in the same place not pacing and just looking up at my ceiling. It's like he doesn't even need me to tell him all the times he's made decisions for me.

Still he begins to stutter and spit out syllables. "But, I, but, I like being in control I'm sorry," he says softly and seeing how soft his eyes are I ditch my anger towards him. I move towards the couch and take a seat making him sit beside me and drop his head right on my lap. I stroke his curls and he continues saying brief little sentences like a little baby. "I'm not that controlling, I just like having things in order," he confesses.

"I know Vince, I know," I say. We stay like this for a few minutes until I remember how we got into this argument and why I told him about getting high with Sarah and Jada. I sit up and stop stroking his hair and like some dog he sits up as well the second he doesn't feel my touch. "Oh right I forgot to tell you the reason I told you about getting high was because I kind of told Daya some shit advice when I was high."

And just like that Vince stops being soft and  gets all jumpy again. "You were high when Daya came over and you gave her advice?" He shakes his head as I try to stroke my hair and act all cute to mask his anger, but he continues. "Oh god I won this argument, and I thought I was so close to losing when I began to stutter." Surprisingly and bringing back my anger from before a smile comes across his face, but it disappears when he sees my scold and remembers the reason he got all jumpy again.

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