Ain't no Mountain High

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Don't get mad you wanted an update, I'm in AP classes now, and I know this chapter sucks. I'll do better later. 

Daya's POV

It's been some days since Ziyah and I have broken up, and I've only had a day of crying. So far my dad knows something happened, Vince basically knows everything just by looking at my watery eyes, Dani has been too absorbed in her phone to care, and my mom has been working too much to see that my face was tear stained. I've stopped thinking about Ziyah or at least every little detail about him that I miss, and I've occupied myself with writing. I've began working on my pilot script and at the moment I'm trying to think of a good character description for a woman that's not too basic or cliche.

 I type the same description over and over again overthinking every word until I'm tired of hearing the clicking sound of my computer. I get up from my slightly broken desk chair and flop on the bottom bunk which is really Dani's bed. I try to stop them, but tears form in my eyes and they don't stay in my sockets as I think about how pathetic I'm being. At least I'm not balling like I was the day I left Harper's, and only a few tears are coming down my face. I reach for my shoes with the dandelion and clutch the shoes to my chest, but drop them when through my tears I see Dani standing in the doorway with her usual preteen scold. 

I sit up almost bumping my head on the wood of the bunk bed and look at her. "Yes?" I say. 

She mimics one of Vince's shrugs. "What happened to you?" she asks. 

I wipe some of my tears. "If you must know Ziyah broke up with me." 

Dani stays in the same place at the doorway. "So, what happened to you?" 

I raise my eyebrows confused at what she's saying, but she continues. "You used to be funny, and say funny things, but now you are all quiet and you look at pictures of couples. Now," Dani stops and takes a few steps in our room. "Now you're like those girls with boyfriends, we used to laugh at, no offense but I'm glad you're single." With that she begins to slowly back away and I flop back on my bed, but I turn to see she's still standing there. 

"What?" I say now with anger replacing my sadness. 

She shrugs again. "Nothing I just wanted to know if you were coming to mommy's, she's coming in 10 minutes." 

I look at her in her friends t shirt and jeans and while I still want to be mad at her I see in her that little girl who saw Vince seize not too long ago. Plus as I think about it I can't really be mad at her because her words are full of truth. I have changed since that date in the park. 

"Yes I am," I say. Dani scurries off and I get up and get my stuff together. Right now I guess I do need my mom. 

Vince is doing something college related so it's just Dani and I sitting on the couch with all of our stuff waiting for mom who technically should've come 10 minutes ago. Kayla and my dad are just coming from the kitchen with their plates of food to the dining table where Sawyer is tapping on the table. I hate moments like this when my eyes are on the door and Dani and I are separated from my dad as if they're another family. Still my dad tries to bring us together, and before he sits down to eat he walks over to us with plastic containers. 

"You must be crazy if you thought I'd make dinner and not make some for you," he says holding out the little containers.

"We thought they were for your other family down the street," I say. He shakes his head and we share a smirk as he hands us the containers that have Chicken and rice. 

Dani puts the container next to her and puts her earbuds in giving my dad the opportunity to come by the arm of the couch where I'm sitting and look down at me. In a stern, but comforting tone he says, "I don't know what happened, but whatever it is it's going to be okay." Just like I believed Dani's words I believe his and I give him a hug before a knock that can only be my mom's hits the door. 

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