7 years too Late

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Daya's POV

Since I lifted Ziyah's chin and agreed to go with him I actually opened my mouth and started telling Ziyah what happened when my mom found out about me sneaking out. He blames himself, and we do a little back and forth no it's my fault argument which just ends in him apologizing to me which he doesn't need to do because I'm the one who made the choice to sneak out and come to his place. 

We arrive in front of a tall building that I could've swore Ziyah pointed out as Lucas's place, but all of these large buildings with a bunch of tenets look the same. After Ziyah parks I don't bother touching my seat belt, and just look at him as he looks up at the building. When his hand hits the glove box I don't hesitate to touch it and hold his hand while he looks at me or really the building behind me. 

"I'm sorry," he says. 

"Take as much time as you need," I say not taking my eyes off of him. 

He shakes his head making some of his dreads move. "Nah about listening to Lucas and Navia, thinking that you would do me like that." 

On accident I squeeze his hand a little at hearing Navia's name. The funny thing is I'm not surprised she's going around saying I slept with Chase and using Lucas as her camera man. I try to get rid of that thought and focus on Ziyah and what we're about to do. 

"Don't worry about it now." Being with Ziyah just makes me want to be with him, and I wish I could be one of those girls who play hard to get, and don't get all flustered, but I can't help it, and I kind of hate it. Changing the subject I say, "Do you know what you're going to say to him?"

Ziyah's thumb rubs along my palm, and he looks down at his lap, and then back into my eyes. "Nah, I don't think I wanna say anything really I was just want an explanation." 

I nod, but not like a nod that signals I get his struggle, because like he said I don't. We stay in this position for some minutes, until Ziyah takes a deep breath and unbuckles his seat belt before getting out of the car to open my door. Okay Ziyah I see you trying to get out of the dog house. 

We walk slowly  into the building and I don't even look at the pale plain lobby and keep my eyes on Ziyah who stops holding my hand and presses the button for the elevator. He lets a family in the lobby with loud kids go into the elevator first, and as the sandy hair  kids pick their noses we go into the next elevator and Ziyah watches the floor change on the little screen above the buttons. We get out of the elevator and Ziyah leads me down the hallway that has green wallpaper falling off the walls. Ziyah looks at every gold plastic number on the doors and we stop at 5b which is the last of the doors in the long hallway. 

"It's gonna be okay," I whisper with the small space in between us. Ziyah remains stoic just staring at the door until we hear a banging noise from the apartment behind us and he slowly lets his hand the door. 

He takes a step back after three knocks and the sound of ruffling can be heard from the other side of the light green door. 

"It better be," Ziyah mumbles.

 When I can digest the words the door swings open and the smell of some rusty cologne seeps into my nostrils. Standing over me is a tall bald guy with darker hazel eyes than the ones I take pleasure in looking at. He has a cold expression and as he looks at me  I can't decide if I should leave them alone or support Ziyah who simultaneously looks at his feet and the man who probably shops at the same big and large shop as my dad. 

I don't know what I expected this man to look like, but for some reason I didn't expect him to have Ziyah's eyes and thin nose. I guess I thought when you abandon your kid and stop being their father you can't look like them or look like their father anymore. 

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