Stuck between a nightmare and lost dreams

Start from the beginning

"I didn't mean to do that,"  Remus said, actually sincere.  Obvious remorse in his eyes. 

"He also doesn't like how he doesn't know much about you, how you used to do drugs and, again, how much older you are,"  Virgil continued.

"I'm only twenty two,"  Remus argued.  "He's eighteen.  It's legal and it isn't like I just want to fuck him.  I genuinely like him."

"You need to tell him that, not me,"  Virgil told him. 

"Did Quinn really tell you all of this?"  Evan asked, obviously distraught.  I pressed a kiss to his forehead to try and comfort him.

"Patton, Emile and I spent literally hours with him yesterday going through all this,"  Virgil sighed, rubbing his face with his hands. 

"Great, so everyone knows,"  I said sarcastically. 

"How?"  Evan asked, tilting his head. 

"Quinn told Emile, Patton and Virgil.  Remus told Roman.  Patton maybe told Logan but I'm positive Emile told Remy.  And if Remy knows, the entire school knows,"  I said angrily.  "He gossips and spreads shit."

"But this is different and personal,"  Virgil tried to argue.  "This has to do with the relationships and mental well being of his friends.  I don't think Remy will tell people about that."

"Maybe you're right, maybe you're not,"  I sighed.  "But still, it's been barely a day and our entire group knows."

"Great,"  Remus sighed. 

"You three have to talk to Quinn about this,"  Virgil told us sternly.  "I'm not going to just deliver messages back and forth like this is fucking elementary school."

"He doesn't want to talk to us,"  Evan reminded us. 

"Then let's do it here.  We'll invite everyone over.  You four can talk here in the front room and everyone else can be in the back of the house.  Therefore we'll be there incase everything goes to shit."  Virgil suggested.

"That's actually a good idea,"  I mumbled.

"How soon can we get everyone over here?"  Remus asked excitedly.


"What if he doesn't come?"  Evan asked. 

"Virgil said he'd get Quinn here,"  I told him. 

"I'm sorry I fucked up your relationship,"  Remus mumbled again. 

"It's okay,"  Evan told him.  "Maybe this will actually work out and we'll be even happier in the future."

"Quinn is fucking terrified of me,"  Remus sighed, looking hurt.  "There's no way he could love me."

"Don't be so harsh about it,"  I said.  "You scared him then but amends can be made now."

"Hopefully,"  Evan mumbled while fiddling with his skirt. 

We fell back into silence.  It was almost three pm.  I could faintly hear everyone in the living room.  Everyone but Quinn and Virgil were here.

Evan and I were sitting on the loveseat, tightly holding hands.  Remus was slumped over in the arm chair by the fire place.  The other loveseat across from me was empty. 

Then the front door opened.

Virgil stepped into the house, followed by Quinn.  My heart jumped in my chest upon seeing him.  He was shaking.

Virgil pulled Quinn into the room where we were all sitting and to the other loveseat.  Quinn didn't look good.  He looked tired and terrified.  I could see bandages wrapped around both of his entire forearms underneath his sweater. 

Without saying anything, Virgil left.  He disappeared down the hallway and to all the others. 

There was an air of awkward tension in the room.  Thick enough to be cut with a knife.   Quinn was shaking badly and refusing to look at anything other than the floor. 

"Quinn,"  I started, unsure of how to start this.  "Are you okay?"

He shook his head 'yes'.  I could instantly tell he was lying and I'm pretty sure everyone else could tell too.

"Do you want to talk to us?"  I asked him.  But before Quinn could respond, Evan interrupted.

"Do you hate us now?"  Evan asked, almost yelling.  Tears in his eyes.

Quinn insanely snapped his head up, obviously recognizing that Evan was crying.  His own eyes were starting to get watery. 

"I don't hate you guys,"  Quinn mumbled.

"Then why won't you talk to us?"  Remus asked, clearly angry.  Quinn flinched and shrunk into himself. 

I quickly shot Remus a look but Remus could obviously tell he went too far.  He looked upset and angry but with himself. 

"I'm sorry,"  Remus told him, making Quinn slowly look back up.  "I didn't mean to yell at you yesterday.  I don't mean to keep yelling.  I just have a such bad temper and that's not right because I'm hurting you with it.  It's not an excuse ether.  It's my own fucking fault.  Just...I'm sorry."

"Thank you,"  Quinn mumbled. 

"Do you forgive us?"  Evan asked hopefully.  "Are you ready to join the relationship with Remus?"

Quinn didn't respond.  It didn't look like even he knew the answer.  There was a lost look in his eyes.  It made me want to run over and comfort him. 

"I'm not mad at anyone,"  Quinn told us.  "I don't understand my own feelings right now.  I'm not ready for this type of change."

"Do you think you just need a few days to recollect yourself and then you'll be ready?"  Evan asked hopefully.

"It doesn't work like that,"  Quinn tried to explain. 

"Okay, I have an idea,"  I said. 

"What?"  Remus asked.  There was a hopeful look in his eyes.  And I'm pretty sure I've found out how to solve all of this.

"Let's have an open relationship between the four of us,"  I suggested.

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