Meowrice (Gay Purr-ee)

430 3 0

Played by-Paul Frees

From an underrated masterpiece Gay Purr-ee, Meowrice may be a sleaze and sell someone for a quick buck, but such sophistication, intelligence, and charm from a very dashing cat. And it's a very impressive trick that he can write with his claw. Plus, he's played by the dashing late Paul Frees. May he rest in peace.


When preacher can't preach you

And teacher can't teach you

When angels can't reach you

The money cat can

We give social status

To countrified tomatoes

If you want kicks

And class and clothes

Money cat knows where the money tree grows

Beauticians will sleek you

Fashion cats chic you

Aristocrats seek you







And should that dream of glory

Be part of your plan

If anyone can help you

The money cat can

Money cat knows where the money tree grows

Mingle with the right folk

Meet the bottle poppers

Rub elbow with the elite

And the big name-droppers

If you got your heart set

On moochin' with the smart set

Money cat knows

Where the money tree grows

Get your picture painted

On the magazine cover

You can have a palace

With the world your lover

Money cat can buy up

Anyone who's high up

We've got dicks and politics and law

In the palm of our paw

The gendarmes may nail you

The lawyers may bail you

The judges may jail you


So why be a flopola

With egg on your pan

If anyone can save you,

The money cat can


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