Part 10 Signing Papers

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Nani: "Khushi bitya, did you and Chote decide any name for our little bitya?" Nani asked smiling at them who were busy adorning the little one.

Khushi: "Naniji, yeah we have already decided a name for our baby" says Khushi looking at her daughter in her lap who was making cute faces.

Arnav: "By the way Nani, you said Di won't be attending the naming ceremony tonight?" Arnav asked or more liked questioned to which Khushi gritted her teeth.

Nani: "She isn't feeling well Chote. I went to her room this morning and she said she won't be able to attend the ceremony due to headache" Nani said looking down. Suddenly they all hear a loud scream and breaking sounds of things.

Maami: "Anjali bitya, what are you doing?" Anjali harshly breaks a vase.

Anjali: "HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL EVERYONE TO LEAVE ME ALONE." yells Anjali sobbing and throws another vase at the wall aiming the poor TV breaking it into pieces.

Arnav and Nani were shocked to see this avatar of Anjali. She slumped down on the floor making Khushi roll her eyes. 

Arnav: "Di what happened?" asked Arnav.

Anjali: "Chote she was giving me a dead rat to eat." Anjali sobbed hugging Arnav tightly like a baby shaking out of fear. Everyone looks at Maami while Khushi crosses her arms around her chest smirking enjoying the drama.

Maami: "I was giving her fruits to eat, but Anjali bitya said it's a dead rat." Anjali hugs Arnav more tightly.

Anjali: "Chote see (she points toward a plate which has fruits) there is a rat. Please Chote throw it. Chote it's a dead rat. Please throw it." Anjali faints making everyone else nervous and worried.

Arnav picks up Anjali in his arms to her bed. Nani places her hand on Maami shoulder who was shaking in fear and tension.

Khushi: "Arnavji, don't worry. I guess Di is stressed out because of the mishap which happened a few days ago." Arnav nods at Khushi.

Arnav: "We should leave so Di can rest" Everyone leaves the room.

Khushi walks into their so called bedroom. She sees Arnav sitting on the recliner typing something on his laptop.

"Come on Khushi! This is your first step to his destruction. If not for you then you need to do this for your daughter. Once he signs these papers then the ball would be in your my court." Khushi mentally assures herself. She takes a deep breath and clears her throat to which Arnav looks up.

Arnav: "what is this Khushi?" He looks at some papers in her hand.

Khushi: "Amanji, has sent these papers for you to sign. He said these are some important papers that need your signature by today." She hands him some papers. 

Arnav starts to read the papers until Khushi hugs him making Arnav smile. 

Khushi: "Arnavji we should be spending some quality time together (whispers in his ears) only me and you" Arnav advances toward Khushi while she clenches her fist.

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