Part 7 The Truth & Guilt

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Karthik (Anjali son)

Arnav walked smirking evilly

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Arnav walked smirking evilly. Nk grabbed his collar and gave him a tight punch on his face.

Nk: "You selfish bastard. How dare you to say that?" Arnav shrugged his arms away and pushed him.

Arnav: "Wow! Just wow! This is interesting. First me, Shyam, now you and maybe even Akash. Isn't she great? I mean how does she do that?" He smiled sarcastically.

Nk: "You are disgusting Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada. You tortured her all this time for revenge just because you assumed of her having an affair with that snake?" He gritted his teeth.

Doctor: "Please decide who should we save? We need to perform the c-section as soon as possible before it's too late where we won't be able to save neither the baby or the mother." He said feeling like what the hell is going on with these two guys? They can fight later on but right now the patient life is in danger.

Nk: "Save the mother" The doctor left. 

Arnav: "It would be great if she dies" he replied gritting his teeth.

Nk: "Come with me" He dragged Arnav with him and they both went to Raizada Mansion.

Anjali saw Nk dragging Arnav looking angry. What happened? And what is going on?

Anjali: "Nk bhai, what happened?" She asked. Everyone stood up and looked at Nk-Arnav confused.

Nk: "Shut the F*** off Mrs. Jha. Why are you still here? It's bad manners to be in their maternal home when they are married. You need to be in your house with that snake." Anjali eyes filled with tears being insulted by Nk.

Arnav: "How dare you to speak to my di like that?" He shouted.

Nk: "Enough of Di that Di this? Aren't you tired of being her puppet?" He replied.

Anjali: "Oh now I get it! It's all because of that middle class Khushi. So Nk, she couldn't trap my Shyamji and my Chote so she trapped you. I must say, she can do anything for money" Nk gave her a slap making everyone astonished. 

Nk: "Not a single word against Khushiji" he said with gritting his teeth.

Shyam: "Nk bhai, How can you slap your own sister for some outsider" He asked faking being worried.

Nk: "Khushiji is not an outsider. She means a lot to me (looking at Anjali) more than Mrs. Jha. And JIJAJI (stressing on the word sarcastically) if you worry and love your wife so much then why would you roam around different women?" He replied smiling sarcastically.

Shyam: "Nk bhai, you are humiliating me" sweat beads formed on his forehead.

Arnav: "Shut the hell up Nk and get lost from here. That girl and who ever feels pity or support her is not welcome in Raizada Mansion." He said angrily.

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