She was back a few minutes later with a stack of blankets and a pillow. After she helped me get settled on the couch, she left the room promising we'd talk the next day. I snuggled into the blankets and quickly fell asleep.


The next morning I sat up with a groan. Ura's couch was pretty comfy but not exactly great for sleeping. I raised my arms above my head and stretched, trying to loosen up my muscles. My cheek and eye ached and I wished I thought to bring the painkillers with me. On top of the pain, I was starting to feel nauseous again. I couldn't wait to be done with this stupid morning sickness. When I was with Kacchan it wasn't so bad. His scent usually helped to calm my stomach and he was quick to get me fed before the nausea got bad. My phone rang as I was contemplating whether I wanted to eat or not. When I saw it was Kacchan, I hung up.

I wasn't ready to talk to him yet. I knew I'd go home, and I had already forgiven his asinine behavior, but I wanted some time away to think about what I wanted to say to him. I wasn't good at talking when he was around. I tended to ramble and my point became unclear. It was better to stay away until I knew what I would say. I felt my phone buzz with a text and saw his name pop up. Deciding texting wouldn't be too bad, I opened up his message.

B:Where the fuck are you?

Was he being serious right now? Why the heck would he think talking to me like that was ok? I texted him back with anger starting to bubble up inside me.

M: I just need some space.

B: Come back home so we can talk about this.

I was going to come home in my own damn time. I didn't care that he was my alpha, he had no right to order me about. These pregnancy hormones were making me crazy. I felt like I was on the verge of tears. How could I love someone who was so controlling? But was he really being controlling? My thoughts were starting to jumble together. I needed to do something relaxing and just think about this later. I shot him one last message and then turned off my phone.

M: Stop being so controlling.

Ura came in the room and took one look at my face and clapped her hands together.

"Ok, I think a spa day is necessary. But first, breakfast."

I munched on toast while Ura ate an omelet. My stomach couldn't handle more than that at the moment. While we ate, we talked.

"Are you sure this alpha is worth the headache, Deku?"

I gave her words some thought. Was Kacchan worth the headache? When I thought of everything we'd been through and how he had changed since we'd first reconnected, the simple answer, was yes. He was worth it. This was simply a little hiccup in our relationship. I just needed some time to calm down and come to terms with the fact that I wouldn't be working at the police department anymore. He was probably right anyway. Both of us couldn't work in a dangerous field. If both of us were killed in the line of duty, who would take care of the baby? That was definitely something I had to consider.

And while I had been furious with Kacchan at the time, now I thought he'd been right. They way he'd done it was wrong, but his intentions had been good. I'll admit I could be pretty stubborn so if he had tried to tell me calmly, I probably wouldn't have listened. To be fair, he'd been trying to tell me for a while, but I refused to hear it. I hadn't really thought of the consequences of me working long term. I did have the baby to think about after all. And what if I hadn't blocked that knife yesterday? What if he'd sliced open my stomach and killed the baby?

Kacchan had just been concerned and probably couldn't help himself. I let out a sigh and rubbed a hand over my face. I needed to start thinking more calmly before I acted. He'd probably been really worried when he woke up to find me gone. I needed to give him the benefit of the doubt and stop jumping to conclusions.

"Yeah, Ura. He's worth it. He's worth everything."

Her expression softened and she gave me a small smile.

"Well good. I just want you to be happy Deku. You deserve it more than anyone I know."

"I am happy. He makes me happy. At least most of the time. We have some things to work out, but I think we'll be ok."


We didn't talk about it any more. Instead we finished breakfast and then spent the day getting pampered. By the time evening rolled around, I'd been massaged to a nearly boneless pile, and I'd been plied with lotions and treats. I was in a much better mood and ready to get back to my alpha. Ura dropped me off the house with a hug and strict order to take care of myself. As I waved her off, I took a deep breath. This was it. This confrontation would tell me whether or not we couldn't weather a storm. If we couldn't reconcile over such a small thing, then we had no business raising a child together. I let out a quick breath, and then knocked on the door.

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