Chapter 30

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"You need to be in Kenny's life. You're his father, it's the right thing to do." Eva told Michael as they walked out the courthouse.

He kissed Eva's cheek and smiled nodding his head.

"You're right. But Kenny wants nothing to do with me." Michael shook his head, "if only I had known earlier-"

"Michael!" Dianna called walking up to the two of them.

"I'll be in the car waiting." Eva caressed his cheek pecking his lips before she walked off.

Dianna folded her arms over her chest as Michael fiddled with his hands.

"Listen, you don't have to be in Kenny's life-"

"But I want too. All those years where I treated him like he wasn't good enough and—"

"He's not really your son." Dianna shook her head looking down.

Michael frowned as his eyes widened.


"I had to do something. If they continued what they were doing you were most definitely going to hurt my son. I know you all too well Michael, I mean you beat my husband up when you found out I was expecting his child who knew what you would've done to Kenny-"

"But I-"

"I did what I had to do to save my son. You have your daughter back don't you. You should he happy that they aren't together anymore." Dianna stated before she walked off.

Michael stared at her not feeling a thing. He was relieved but felt horrible at the same time.

"Toni!" Eva called walking into her bedroom.

She had been in her bedroom sobbing for 3 days straight.

"You need to eat something and take a bath." Eva sighed taking a seat at the foot of her bed.

"I don't feel like doing anything." She groaned before she got up and ran into the bathroom again, Eva frowned hearing Toni vomit from where she had been sitting.

"Would you like some tablets, you've been throwing up a lot lately?" She asked hearing the toilet flush.

"No tablet will take away the disgust I feel!" Toni spat in annoyance.

Eva smacked her lips together. Toni came walking out and tossed herself down on her bed once again.

"You have to repent." Eva stated.

Toni stared at the wall ahead of her swallowing her saliva before she sat up and nodded as Michael walked into her bedroom.

"Toni listen you and Kenny are no-"

"I'm so sorry! I didn't know what I was doing, all this time I blamed you for not allowing me and Kenny to be together because I believed that you hated him and just wanted to keep me under your wing when actually- I'm so sorry." She cried getting off the bed.

She got onto her knees and pressed her palms together.

"Please forgive me?" She pleaded looking between her parents with sorrowful eyes.

Eva and Michael looked at one another before they faced her and nodded.

"You're forgiven." Eva said pulling her up and into a hug.

Toni walked up to the podium and kneeled down before her father who held a glass of wine and her mother who had a flask of holy water.

"Lord I come before stripped off my sins. I repent me of all I did. God I want to turn away from my old life and follow You. I want a new life and to become a new creation for You. I am willing to do whatever it takes to get right with You." Toni spoke as a few tears left her eyes.

Michael smiled as Eva splashed a few droplets onto Toni as Michael drew a cross across her forehead before he allowed her to have a sip from the wine. She stood up and faced the church with a small smile as they applauded her yelling and shouting a few 'Amens' and 'Hallelujahs'. She swallowed her saliva.

"Let my prayer be directed as incense in thy sight: the lifting up of my hands, as evening sacrifice." Michael said.

Eva gently swung around the censer. The incense made Toni a bit dizzy, she faced her father and excused herself. He nodded as she walked out the back to get a little bit of fresh air, whilst church continued to take place.

i will be updating Covered in Lies later on today.

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