Chapter 29

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"I think I should get a job. I mean if we're gonna be living together than we both need to be able to provide for each other right, I can't put all the expenses on you." Toni said circling a few job opportunities in the newspaper.

Kenny chuckled leaning down on the counter.

"Look baby, you don't have to if you don't want to. You do know that you're gonna have to go back home right?" Kenny questioned.

Toni looked up at him and frowned.

"You don't want me staying with you?"

"No that's not what I'm saying... all I'm saying is that this is just temporary, you had a fight with your parents and it will eventually subside. What I'm saying is, you still legally live with them- it's not like we got their permission or that we're married." Kenny shrugged turning around walking up to the pan on the stove which he had been busy frying some scrambled eggs in.

Toni stared at him in deep thought.

"Let's get married than." She said.

His eyes widened as he slowly turned to face her.

"What?" He laughed.

Frowning once he realized how serious she actually looked.

"Oh you're being for real." Kenny smacked his lips together.

"I mean why not right? I love you and you love me. That's what people that love each other do don't they?" She raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah but— fuck it let's do it!" He shouted throwing his hands up in surrender.

A grin appeared on her face as she got up and rushed around the island wrapping her arms around him.

"Yay!" She cheered looking up at him.

"I love you and nothing would make me more happier than to marry you. Even if it is in a courthouse." Toni said pecking his lips.

"And I love you." He cupped her face kissing her lips again.

"Come on I need a white dress at least- your eggs are burning."

"Oh shoot!"

Toni and Kenny pulled up to Fulton County courthouse more than ready to elope. She grabbed his face and kissed his lips.

"Let me put on this dress first." She giggled crawling into the backseat.

She got naked and slipped on the all white floral dress that stopped just above her knees.

"You sure you spoke to the judge?" Toni asked as Kenny buttoned up his shirt, taking small glances at her through the rearview mirror.

"Uh huh." He nodded.

"Stop looking at me!" She scolded laughing.

He chuckled looking ahead at the courthouse in front of them.

"Come on babe! We're gonna be late, he said 14:30 and no later." Kenny groaned taking a glance at her again.

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