Chapter 18

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"I don't ever want to see your son set foot on my property ever again." Michael spat as he passed by Dianna.

Dianna frowned.

"But he just wanted to come to church. Everyone has the right to be at church-"

"Not if they are influencing my daughter. Your damn demon had the nerve to call my daughter 'babe' and 'my woman'." Michael spat as Dianna's eyes widened realizing the moans she heard probably belonged to Toni.

Michael began shaking his head watching as Kenny came into their view.

"You bastard-" Michael charged towards him, immediately Dianna run up to him and pulled him back.

Immediately having all eyes land on them.

"Don't you dare lay a finger on my son Michael." Dianna spat staring Michael right in the face.

Kenny fixed his shirt.

"I wouldn't lay a finger on you sir and with all due respect, yes me and your are dating and I would never hurt her." Kenny stated causing Paris to frown.

"Kenneth shut up." Dianna groaned.

"No mama, he wanted the truth back there and so I'm giving it to him. If you wanna be angry at someone and take your frustrations out on someone, I'm here so don't go slapping and yelling at Toni. Because I swear on my father's grave, if you hurt a single hair on her head. I will kill you." Kenny confidently said in a stern tone before he walked off.

"Let's go mama." Kenny said.

Michael stared at Kenny in disbelief, he spun around and frowned at everyone that was watching him. They all immediately looked away and continued to go about their business. Eva shook her head in disbelief before she headed for the car herself.

Toni tapped her foot against the carpet as tears ran down her face, her father and mother had been scolding her none stop since the moment they both got into the car. She mentally blocked out their yelling and disagreements just sitting there watching their lips move and their body language. To say that they were frustrated would've been an understatement.

"You're so immature! What did you think by you getting a goddamn boyfriend it would suddenly make you more mature. You wouldn't know the first thing about a relationship!" Her mother shouted.

Toni swallowed her saliva fiddling with her hands as she stared at the carpet.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you." Eva scolded.

She immediately lifted her head up looking at her mother.

"I'm so sorry." She whispered biting her lip to hold back the tears that wanted to leave her eyes.

"Sorry? Oh now she's sorry!" Eva shouted tossing her hands up in surrender.

"Kenny is nothing but trouble, you know what? I can't believe you actually thought that he liked you. You know what he only wants one thing from you, to sleep with you. To take your innocence and once he's done doing that he'll get rid of you!" Eva shouted.

"That's not true." She mumbled looking down.

"Look at me!" Eva screamed.

Toni's head shot up looking up at her mother. Michael stood to the side with his teeth clenched in frustration, trying to control his anger. Eva let out a gasp.

"Did you two already have sex-"

"No!- No..." Toni softly said shaking her head. "I'd never do that." Toni whispered smacking her lips together she truly felt like crying.

"I should've killed him." Michael mumbled causing Toni to look at him. "He had the nerve to tell me you two were in a damn relationship." Michael shook his head in disgust.

"I'm 18-"

"That doesn't mean you're grown!" Michael and Eva shouted in unison.

"You are never to ever see him again? Do we make ourselves clear?" Michael spat.

"Yes." Toni nodded hesitantly.

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