Sneak Peek at "The One That Loved"

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Sneak Peek at

“The One That Loved”

Book Three in ‘The One Series’

            The whistle blew and families began to scurry back and kids rushed onto the train. Syrie gave her mother, Harry and George a fleeting hug and kiss each then followed Victoire and Teddy onto the train; the three teenagers leaned out the window and waved to their families, the twins and James close by. As the train left the station Teddy sighed and turned to the girls.

“Okay you two, I gotta go; head boy meeting and all that. Have to sort out the newbie’s.”

“You mean the prefects,” said Victoire. “Does Syrie not count?”

“No, I can count on Syrie, unlike the other prats.” Laughed Teddy, giving Syrie’s ponytail a tug “Meet me there in ten, eh shortie?”

“See you there; I just want to see Vicky off to the compartment so I can find her later.” They parted ways, Syrie and Victoire heading down to the middle of the train.

“Why does he have to call you shortie?” asked Victoire, tossing her long shining hair over one shoulder “Sometimes I find it hard to believe he loves you so much.”

“Loves us so much, Vicky.” Corrected Syrie “He’s our best friend. You’ve actually known him longer.”

“Yes, but you and he grew up in the same household. I saw him over holidays and family dinners once a week. You were the one who cried for months after he left for Hogwarts and we couldn’t go yet.”

“I did not cry for months-”

“You did so! It’s okay though, he’s practically your brother.” The friends were interrupted however by a gaggle of seventh years tittering away and giggling; they stopped short however when they saw Syrie and Victoire.

“Hey, aren’t you two best friends with Teddy Lupin?” asked one.

“Maybe.” They said together.

“Well, what does he smell like?” giggled one who looked as if she could barely hold up her eye lids.

“What does he wear to bed?”

“Does he really have a tattoo of a Sphinx on his chest?”

Syrie and Victoire looked at each other and burst out laughing; Teddy with a tattoo? The guy might seem invincible, but he’s a wimp when it comes to pain. “A Sphinx?” asked Victoire.

“Of course not,” Syrie said coolly “It’s a Hungarian Horntail.” With that they walked away, holding in laughter as they went. “Merlin do I hate that,” said Syrie as they opened the compartment door and stepped inside.

“Hate what?”

“You know, how they fawn over him!” Syrie looked at Victoire in surprise “Doesn’t it bug you? They’re just twittering idiots who don’t even know him, not like you and I.”

Victoire looked at her hands; face tinting pink “It’s not that bad…”

Turning back to her friend, Syrie couldn’t keep the surprise off her face “Just last year we agreed we would never be like them!”

“I know…but I mean, Ted is good looking and you can understand why they…whatever Seer, just go do your prefect duties.”

Still baffled by her best friend’s behaviour, Syrie left the compartment to meet up with Teddy. Slipping into the back as he and the Head Girl gave their speeches she watched him, more carefully than she usually did. Yes, he was rather good looking, but he, Victoire and her had grown up together; taking baths and climbing trees. There was no reason to think of Teddy like that…he was her best friend…

Teddy saw her looking his way and winked, and Syrie swore to herself that she would get Victoire out of this funk-and maybe get some cauldron cakes on her way out…

 A/N: So there it is! The sneak peek at "The One That Loved"...oh, I'm excited! The pics on the side are Syrie, portrayed by Michelle Trahctenberge. I hope you like it guys, and I'll be posting the Prologue and first chapter as soon as possible! And some LIR, too!

Question: What do you think will happen to Syrie in her sixth year of Hogwarts?


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